Literary Characters Come to Life K-1



Learning Description

Students will use their bodies, voices, facial expressions, and emotions to bring literary characters to life. They will take turns in the “Hot Seat” to speak from their character’s point of view, answering questions from their classmates.  Drawing- or Writing-in-Role will help students embody the character and the story as they delve into their written responses.


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can think and speak from someone else’s point of view.
  • I can use my whole self to create characters from stories.

Essential Questions

  • How does acting help me to understand and communicate with others? 
  • How can becoming a character help me learn more about a story?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards


ELAGSEKRL3 With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.

Grade 1:

ELAGSE1RL3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.


Arts Standards


TAK.PR.1 Act by communicating and sustaining roles in formal and informal environments.a. Use voice to communicate emotions.b. Use body to communicate emotions.c. Cooperate in theatre experiences.d. Assume roles in a variety of dramatic forms (e.g. narrated story, pantomime, puppetry,dramatic play).


Grade 1:

TAK.PR.1 Act by communicating and sustaining roles in formal and informal environments.

  1. Use voice to communicate emotions.
  2. Use body to communicate emotions.
  3. Cooperate in theatre experiences.
  4. Assume roles in a variety of dramatic forms (e.g. narrated story, pantomime, puppetry, dramatic play).




South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards


READING-LITERARY TEXT - Meaning and Context

Standard 8: Analyze characters, settings, events, and ideas as they develop and interact within a particular context.

8.1 With guidance and support, read or listen closely to: a. describe characters and their actions; b. compare characters’ experiences to those of the reader; c. describe setting; d. identify the problem and solution; and e. identify the cause of an event.


Grade 1

READING-LITERARY TEXT - Meaning and Context

Standard 8: Analyze characters, settings, events, and ideas as they develop and interact within a particular context.

8.1 Read or listen closely to: a. describe characters’ actions and feelings; b. compare and contrast characters’ experiences to those of the reader; c. describe setting; d. identify the plot including problem and solution; and e. describe cause and effect relationships.


Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 3: I can act in improvised scenes and written scripts. 




Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

  • Character – A person, or an animal or object that has human qualities, in a story.

Arts Vocabulary

  • Body – An actor’s tool, which we shape and change to portray the way a character looks, walks, or moves
  • Facial Expressions – The ways that the eyes, mouth, cheeks, forehead and other parts of the face convey feelings
  • Voice - An actor’s tool, which we shape and change to portray the way a character speaks or sounds
  • Pitch – How high or low a voice is
  • Pace – How fast or slow someone’s speech is
  • Volume – How loud or quiet a voice is

Emotions – Feelings



  • A preselected book, story, poem, or literary excerpt (preferably with a variety of characters)
  • Paper & pencils
  • Box (any shape, size or color.)



    Instructional Design

    Opening/Activating Strategy


    • Hold up a small box and offer an imagination challenge for the group. 
      • The object of the game is to transform the box into something it is not. 
      • For example, “This is not a box. This is a butterfly.” (making the box open and close to fly like a butterfly.) 
    • Ask students to describe what you did.
      • Reference the performance skills that actors use to transform an object including the voice, body, face, mind, descriptive language, etc
    • Explain that each person in the circle will take a turn. 
      • They will say: “This is not a box. It is a …”
      • They will use their gestures, bodies, facial expressions, and voices to transform the object into something new. 
    • Pass the box around the circle so that each participant can transform it. If students repeat the same actions as their peers, encourage them to act out new ideas.  Provide ideas as needed (be prepared with suggestions, in case students can’t think of new ideas.  For example, depending on the size of the box: a drum, a birthday present, a box of cereal, a frisbee, a box of popcorn at a movie, an old video camera, a hat, a hamster box, a shoe, etc.).
    • The pace of the game is dependent on the needs of the group, but the teacher should keep the goals of spontaneity and creativity in mind.


      Work Session


      • Discuss how the activity activated the entire class’s imagination: the actor conveyed an idea through their acting, and the rest of the class had to visualize or imagine that idea as they observed.  Explain that this lesson will use a similar process to explore characters in literature.
      • Read the selected text aloud.  Model expressive reading by using different voices for the characters, conveying emotion through facial expressions, and employing simple gestures.  Ask students to identify and visualize the characters as they listen.  As appropriate, bring students into the reading as much as possible, providing sound effects, repeating phrases or dialogue, and doing simple movements indicated in the text. 



      • Ask students to imagine that they are a character from the story. 
      • Model creating one of the characters.  Select a character, then use voice, body, facial expressions, and gesture to become the character, introducing him- or herself to the class.
      • Group Character Creation: Choose a character for the entire class to enact.  It can be the same one that the teacher enacted or a different one.  Guide the students through a step-by-step process to depict the character from the story.
        • Teacher says, “How do we stand, move, or walk as ______ (the character)?”. Use observational language to promote student choices (“I see Olivia is standing tall; Manuel has his shoulders pulled back,” etc.)  
        • Encourage a variety of possibilities – individual actors can interpret the character differently. 
        • Have students stay in their spots or allow them to move, as appropriate for the class and the space.
      • Teacher says, “Let’s add our faces.  How would _______’s face look?  How would he/she use his/her face to express his/her feelings?  Use your eyes, eyebrows, mouth, cheeks; use the angle of your head.”  Listen to students’ ideas, and validate various choices.
      • Teacher says, “How would _______’s voice sound?  Would it be high or low?  Loud or soft? Would he/she talk fast or slow?”  Listen to students’ ideas, and validate various choices.
      • Teacher says, “Characters feel emotions, and actors use their bodies, facial expressions, and voices to convey characters’ emotions.”  
        • Discuss different emotions (happy, sad, angry, frightened, nervous, excited, frustrated, brave, etc.).  
        • Discuss the feelings that the selected character experienced at different points of the story.  
        • Guide students to convey those emotions, modeling as needed.  
        • Solicit a line of dialogue for each, whether drawn directly or inferred from the story.  
        • Using body, facial expressions and voice, convey the emotion while speaking the line, either standing in place or taking a few steps, as appropriate.


      HOT SEAT

        • Explain that the class will use an activity called Hot Seat, in which an individual actor will play the character, and the class will have the opportunity to ask the character questions.
      • Generate questions: Give a sample question or two for the character, such as: 
      • How did they feel at different points in the story
      • Why did they do what they did in the story 
      • What did they learn from what happened
      • How they feel about other characters
      • What did they plan to do in the future based on the events of the story
      • Remind students that ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions, and other questions that require some sort of description or explanation, are preferable to ‘who’, ‘when’, and ‘where’ questions, and other questions that only require a brief answer, or a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. 
        • For example, “Why were you so angry?” or “How did you feel when . . .?” or “What do you like about . . .?” are stronger than “Were you excited when . . .?” or “How old are you?” or “Who is your best friend?”).
      • Model Hot Seat:  
        • Sit in a chair in front of the class and assume the character from the story in character (with body, facial expressions, and voice).  Speak in first person as the character (“Hello, everyone, I’m __________.  Who has a question for me?”).
        • Select students to ask questions from the group brainstorm, reminding or prompting as needed.  Model strong character choices, making sure to add details and emotional context while answering questions from the Hot Seat.
      • Student Hot Seat Warm Up:
        • Assign students to work in pairs.
        • Have them decide who will go first.  Instruct that student to go into the role as the character (with body, facial expressions, and voice) and introduce themselves to their partners in character. 
        • Instruct the partners to ask questions of the character.
        • Have partners switch and repeat the process.
      • Students in Hot Seat:
        • Draft one student to walk like their character to the front of the room and sit in a chair facing the audience.
        • Start the Hot Seat questioning by asking the student/character to introduce himself/herself (if needed, remind the actor to maintain their character choices). 
        • Ask a question of the character.
        • Give other students the chance to ask questions.

      Teacher note: Be prepared, if necessary, to interject or prompt students with probing questions that get to the heart of the character and the story.


        • Optional variations:
        • The above process can be conducted using the same character throughout, or students can be given the option to become other characters in the story.  If necessary, take time to develop questions for each different character.
        • After establishing the practice of Hot Seat, expand it into a panel, having several students sit in a row of chairs, assuming different characters from the story.


        • After participating in Hot Seat, ask all students to return to their seats and tell them that they will draw the character and, if appropriate, write something the character might think or say in a thought or speech bubble.  Invite students to have the character say something that a) they said in the story, b) they said in the Hot Seat activity, or c) the student could imagine the character might say or think.


        Closing Reflection

        Ask students to respond to one or more of the following reflection questions:

        • How did it feel to become the character?
        • What did you learn about the character from our activity?
        • How did we use our bodies, voices, and facial expressions to play the character(s) and convey their feelings?



        Teacher will assess student understanding by:

        • Noting student observations and inferences about the characters.
        • Listening as pairs of students ask and answer questions.
        • Observing as students portray the character in pairs and in the Hot Seat.






        • Were students able to step into their role and talk, move, walk, and write from their character’s point of view? 
        • Were the students able to recall and retell a key point of the story from the character’s point of view?






        • Students in the audience take on another character from the book and speak from that character’s point of view while asking questions to the character in the Hot Seat. 
        • Students can also pick different characters and talk to each other from their seats. They can then improvise and write a scene with the two characters. 

        Remedial: Teacher in the Role - The teacher becomes the character and then asks a student to copy what they are doing, so that the teacher and student are playing the same character at the same time. The teacher then invites other students to ask questions, with prompting as needed.  Teacher and student answer questions together. Then, allow students, who are willing, to take turns in the Hot Seat as the same character.


        *This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

        Ideas contributed by:  Barry Stewart Mann

        Revised and copyright:  April 2023 @ ArtsNOW





        Learning Description

        Understand the structure of pattern and sequence through the elements of dance and choreography using movements that represent geometric shapes!


        Learning Targets

        GRADE BAND: K-1

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        "I Can" Statements

        “I Can…”

        • I can recognize the difference between a pattern and a sequence in shapes and movements.

        • I can create choreography to represent a pattern or sequence.

        • I can create movements to represent geometric shapes.

        Essential Questions

        • What are different ways we can represent sequence and patterns through movement?

        • How can I create choreography to represent a pattern or sequence?

        • How can I use movement to represent geometric shapes?


        Georgia Standards

        Curriculum Standards


        K.PAR.6: Explain, extend, and create repeating patterns with a repetition, not exceeding 4 and describe patterns involving the passage of time.


        K.GSR.8: Identify, describe, and compare basic shapes encountered in the environment, and form two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures.


        Grade 1: 

        1.PAR.3: Identify, describe, extend, and create repeating patterns, growing patterns, and shrinking patterns found in real-life situations.


        1.GSR.4: Compose shapes, analyze the attributes of shapes, and relate their parts to the whole.





        Arts Standards


        ESDK.CR.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the choreographic process. 


        ESDK.CR.2 Demonstrate an understanding of dance as a form of communication. 


        ESDK.PR.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements, skills, and terminology in dance


        ESDK.RE.1 Demonstrate critical and creative thinking in dance.


        ESDK.CN.3 Identify connections between dance and other areas of knowledge.


        Grade 1:

        ESD1.CR.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the choreographic process.


        ESD1.CR.2 Demonstrate an understanding of dance as a form of communication.


        ESD1.PR.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements, skills, and terminology in dance.


        ESD1.RE.1 Demonstrate critical and creative thinking in dance.


        ESD1.CN.3 Identify connections between dance and other areas of knowledge.




        South Carolina Standards

        Curriculum Standards


        K.ATO.6 Describe simple repeating patterns using AB, AAB, ABB, and ABC type patterns.


        K.G.2 Identify and describe a given shape and shapes of objects in everyday situations to include two-dimensional shapes (i.e., triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, and circle) and three-dimensional shapes (i.e., cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere). 


        Grade 1:1.ATO.9 Create, extend and explain using pictures and words for: a. repeating patterns (e.g., AB, AAB, ABB, and ABC type patterns); b. growing patterns (between 2 and 4 terms/figures).


        1.G.4 Identify and name two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, rhombus, trapezoid, and circle).



        Arts Standards

        Anchor Standard 1: I can use movement exploration to discover and create artistic ideas and works.

        Anchor Standard 2: I can choreograph a dance.

        Anchor Standard 3: I can perform movements using the dance elements.

        Anchor Standard 5: I can describe, analyze, and evaluate a dance.

        Anchor Standard 7: I can relate dance to other arts disciplines, content areas, and careers. 




        Key Vocabulary

        Content Vocabulary

        • Pattern - A set of elements repeated in a predictable manner
        • Sequence - A series of elements arranged with intention and does not always follow a pattern
        • Geometric shape - A figure that is defined by mathematical properties and is measurable



        Arts Vocabulary

        • Choreography - The art of composing dances and planning and arranging the movements, steps, and patterns of dancers
        • Choreographer - A person who creates dances
        • Body shapes - Forms that the entire body or body parts take when making movement




          • Music source and speakers
          • Cards printed with shapes
          • Cards printed with groups of shapes in patterns or sequences



          Instructional Design

          Opening/Activating Strategy

          • Play music with a strong beat. As a class group, lead students in a warm up that establishes the beat of the music such as marching or clapping.
          • Next, lead them in making movements that have obvious geometric qualities using vocabulary from The Elements of Dance to describe body shapes. Examples include straight lines using arms and legs, rounded shapes using arms, etc.


          Work Session

          Movement discovery

          • Show students cards with geometric shapes printed on them and ask them to move to the beat to represent the shape of the card until you show a different card. Repeat this several times until students have discovered/created several different movements.

          Establish pattern versus sequence:

          • Continue the discovery activity holding the cards up for shorter periods of time and in patterns, ABAB at first and then more complicated. Open a handle question: How am I arranging the cards? How am I arranging your dance steps?
          • Ask students to explain the arrangement of the dance steps. They should arrive at the concept of patterns.
          • Repeat two previous steps using a sequence instead of a pattern.
          • Discuss the difference between a sequence and a pattern.

          Choreographic process

          • Divide students into small groups. Give each group a card printed with a pattern or a sequence represented in shapes. Without sharing with other groups, students identify whether their card shows a pattern or sequence.
          • Students create dances based on the order of shapes on their cards and the dance movements that they discovered during previous segments of the lesson. Encourage students to use movements from the warm-up or create new movements using the movements from warm-up as inspiration.
          • Allow students time to practice their dance.


          • Peers identify whether the performing group is showing a sequence or pattern. When a pattern is performed, peers describe the pattern in terms of shapes represented by the dance movements.

          Closing Reflection

          • Groups explain why they chose certain movements to express certain shapes. 
          • Students discuss their understanding of the difference between a sequence and a pattern.



          Teachers will assess understanding through: 

          • Student engagement in collaborative discussion about movement choices and math concepts.
          • Students’ use of dance vocabulary to describe body shapes during discussion.
          • Students’ progress toward a finished choreography during collaborative group work period.





          • Students can present choreography that accurately portrays their assigned pattern or sequence. 
          • Students can recognize the difference between a pattern and a sequence in shapes and movements.
          • Students can create dance movements that represent geometric shapes.
          • Students can explain why they chose certain movements to express certain shapes.
          • Peers/audience can accurately identify the pattern or sequence expressed in peer choreography.




          • Have groups create their own patterns using movements that represent geometric shapes and lines.
          • Incorporate ELA concepts by having students use rhyming words to create a pattern (example: ABAB - Cat, fox, hat, box) and then create choreography to represent the pattern.


          • Create choreography as a whole class to the same pattern or sequence. Then, break students into groups to create their choreography to their assigned pattern or sequence.
          • Establish certain movements for shapes as a class that all students will use in their pattern or sequence choreography. Once students demonstrate mastery of the pattern or sequence using movements established as a class, allow students to create or choose their own movements for their pattern or sequence.



          • Classroom Tips: Set up chairs and tables in a circular format to maximize students’  engagement and ability to see their peers during the activity and  performance. Also establish parameters for acceptable movement choices and discuss audience  behavior/etiquette with students.
          • The Elements of Dance

          *This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

          Ideas contributed and updated by: Julie Galle Baggenstoss and Melissa Dittmar-Joy. Updated by Katy Betts.


          Revised and copyright:  April 2024 @ ArtsNOW




          Learning Description

          In this lesson, students will use what they learn about polar bears and the Elements of Art, Shape, Line, and Texture, to create an artistic representation of a polar bear.


          Learning Targets

          GRADE BAND: K-1

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          "I Can" Statements

          “I Can…”

          • I can use what I learned about polar bears to create an artistic representation of a polar bear using the Elements of Art, Line, Shape, and Texture.

          Essential Questions

          • How can I use what I learned about polar bears to create an artistic representation using the Elements of Art, Line, Shape, and Texture?


          Georgia Standards

          Curriculum Standards



          ELAGSEKRL10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.

          ELAGSEKRI1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.


          SKL1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how organisms (alive and not alive) and non-living objects are grouped.


          Grade 1


          ELAGSE1RI1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

          ELAGSE1RI2 Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.


          S1L1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the basic needs of plants and animals.



          Arts Standards


          VAK.CR.1 Engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas by using subject matter and symbols to communicate meaning.

          VAK.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes.

          VAK.CR.3 Understand and apply media, techniques, and processes of two-dimensional art.

          VAK.CN.2 Integrate information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of works of art. 


          Grade 1

          VA1.CR.1 Engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas by using subject matter and symbols to communicate meaning.

          VA1.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes. 

          VA1.CR.3 Understand and apply media, techniques, and processes of two-dimensional art.

          VA1.CN.2 Integrate information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of works of art.





          South Carolina Standards

          Curriculum Standards




          Standard 2: Transact with texts to formulate questions, propose explanations, and consider alternative views and multiple perspectives.

          2.1 With guidance and support, engage in daily explorations of texts to make connections to personal experiences, other texts, or the environment.



          Standard 13: Read independently and comprehend a variety of texts for the purposes of reading for enjoyment, acquiring new learning, and building stamina; reflect and respond to increasingly complex text over time.

          13.1 Engage in whole and small group reading with purpose and understanding.



          K-ESS2-2. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs.


          Grade 1


          Standard 2: Transact with texts to formulate questions, propose explanations, and consider alternative views and multiple perspectives.

          2.1 Engage in daily explorations of texts to make connections to personal experiences, other texts, or the environment.



          Standard 13: Read independently and comprehend a variety of texts for the purposes of reading for enjoyment, acquiring new learning, and building stamina; reflect and respond to increasingly complex text over time.

          13.1 Engage in whole and small group reading with purpose and understanding.



          1-LS1-2. Obtain information from multiple sources to determine patterns in parent and offspring behavior that help offspring survive.



          Arts Standards

          Artistic Processes: Creating- I can make artwork using a variety of materials, techniques, and processes.

          Anchor Standard 1: I can use the elements and principles of art to create artwork.

          Anchor Standard 2: I can use different materials, techniques, and processes to make art.


          Artistic Processes: Responding- I can evaluate and communicate about the meaning in my artwork and the artwork of others.

          Anchor Standard 5: I can interpret (read) and evaluate the meaning of an artwork.


          Artistic Processes: Connecting- I can relate artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context.

          Anchor Standard 7: I can relate visual arts ideas to other arts disciplines, content areas, and careers.




          Key Vocabulary

          Content Vocabulary

          • Arctic – The northernmost region of the Earth
          • Aquatic – Water
          • Mammal – Animals that have fur, drink their mother’s milk, and are warm-blooded
          • Shore – The land by the edge of the water
          • Seals – Web-footed aquatic mammals that live chiefly in cold seas and whose body shape, round at the middle and tapered at the ends, is adapted to swift and graceful swimming


          Arts Vocabulary

          • Line – A short or long narrow mark
          • Texture – The way something feels or looks like it feels (soft, fuzzy, rough, etc.)
          • Shape – A two-dimensional or flat object. In art, it can be organic or geometric.




          • Blue paper plates for each student
          • Construction cut outs of ears and mouth
          • 1 set of googly eyes per student
          • Clothespin paintbrush (clothespin with cotton ball on top)
          • White paint
          • Plastic fork for each student
          • Plastic cup for fake snow
          • Fake snow: 
          • Wet wipes to clean hands


          Instructional Design

          Opening/Activating Strategy

          • Show pictures of snowflakes floating. Ask students what they notice about the snowflakes. Direct students towards noticing shapes and lines. Ask students how they imagine they might feel (warm, cold) and what they might smell. 
          • Tell the students they will be learning about using art materials such as white paint and fake snow to create their own “cool” animal, the Polar Bear.


          Work Session

          • Show students where they live on a globe or map for reference. Next, show students where the Arctic is located. Ask students what they think it would feel like to be in this place. What colors would they see? What textures would they feel? Would it be warm or cool?
          • Read an informational book such as Polar Bear (Read and Learn: A Day in the Life: Polar Animals) by Katie Marsico. Ask students to connect the information in the book to the photos. Ask students to identify how the photos explain the text.
          • Show the students an image of a polar bear and define mammals, arctic, aquatic, and shore. Briefly identify each word so they are familiar with the vocabulary. 
          • As a whole group, go over what polar bears do, how the different parts of their bodies help them survive, and where they live. Show students photos and briefly provide information.
          • Ask students to identify characteristics of the polar bear such as color, size in relation to other animals, and texture.
            • Explain that next, they will use their art materials to create their own polar bear. 
            • Tell students that artists use color, size, and texture to express their ideas in their art.
          • Show the exemplar of the polar bear art. Ask students to describe the texture, lines, and shapes that they see that make the artwork. 
          • Demonstrate how to make fake snow (see “materials”). 
            • Help students notice what happens when baking soda is mixed with conditioner. 
            • Put some of the fake snow in their plastic cups for them to touch and feel. 
            • Ask them to describe the texture. 
            • (Teacher note: Remind them that the snow is not real, and we never put anything in our mouths.)
          • Go over the directions of how to make the polar bear using a fork to create texture.
            • Place about a tablespoon of white acrylic paint on a paper plate. 
            • Pass out the following materials to each student: plastic fork, blue paper plate (navy works best), two pre-cut/pre-glued shapes for ears and nose/mouth, one set of “googly” eyes. (Give students the choice of what eyes they want to use to personalize their polar bear.)
            • When they have all their materials, explain to students that they will start creating the element of art, texture, by dipping the fork in the white paint and pressing down in the center of the navy-blue plate. When you see their forks in the center, explain that they have to gently press and pull to create the texture look of a polar bear’s fur. They can re-dip when necessary.
            • Explain to the students to keep pressing and pulling until their blue plate is filled up. This will represent the face of the polar bear. 
            • When the students have finished the painting, have them take their nose/mouth and ears and place them where they think a nose/mouth and ears would be on a polar bear. 
            • After the teacher has checked, give students a glue stick to glue the nose/mouth and ears down. 
            • Tell students that next they will “glue” on their googly eyes. Explain that the wet paint will serve as glue for holding down the eyes, nose/mouth.


          Closing Reflection

          • Have each student create and write a name for their polar bear. Remind students that proper nouns start with a capital letter.
          • Allow students to verbally introduce their polar bears to their classmates. Have the students say, “Hi, my polar bear’s name is….” The other students will say,

          “Hi, (name of polar bear)”. This reinforces their speaking/communication skills.




          Observation of:

          • Collaboration
          • Communication
          • Creativity
          • CompletioN




            • Students can explain what polar bears do, how the different parts of their bodies help them survive in the Arctic, and where they live. 
            • Students can use texture, line, and shape to create a polar bear.






            • Students can use their completed polar bear to write their bear’s name and a complete sentence about their polar bear.


            • The teacher should work with identified children to assist with painting.
            • Allow students to work in pairs; pair students who are higher achieving with students who may struggle.



            • Optional: An informational text such as Polar Bear (Read and Learn: A Day in the Life: Polar Animals) by Katie Marsico


            *This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

            Ideas contributed by:  Kim Spivey 

            Revised and copyright:  2024 @ ArtsNOW

            When a line becomes a shape K-1



            Learning Description

            In this lesson, students will learn about lines and shapes through the book, When a Line Bends…A Shape Begins. Students will be able to name and describe shapes, identify them in their environment, create a character out of shapes, and write a sentence summary about the defining attributes of their shape.


            Learning Targets

            GRADE BAND: K-1

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            "I Can" Statements

            “I Can…”

            • I can identify different kinds of geometric shapes.
            • I can draw geometric shapes.
            • I can create a character out of a geometric shape.
            • I can write about the attributes of geometric shapes.

            Essential Questions

            • What are the different types of geometric shapes?

            • How can I draw geometric shapes?

            • How can I create a character out of a geometric shape?

            • How can I describe the attributes of a shape in written form?


            Georgia Standards

            Curriculum Standards


            K.GSR.8: Identify, describe, and compare basic shapes encountered in the environment, and form two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures.


            Grade 1:

            1.GSR.4: Compose shapes, analyze the attributes of shapes, and relate their parts to the whole.


            Arts Standards


            VAK.CR.1 Engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas by using subject matter and symbols to communicate meaning.

            VAK.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes.

            VAK.CR.3 Understand and apply media, techniques, and processes of two-dimensional art.

            VAK.RE.1 Discuss personal works of art and the artwork of others to enhance visual literacy. 

            VAK.CN.3 Develop life skills through the study and production of art (e.g. collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication).


            Grade 1

            VA1.CR.1 Engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas by using subject matter and symbols to communicate meaning.

            VA1.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes. 

            VA1.CR.3 Understand and apply media, techniques, and processes of two-dimensional art.

            VA1.RE.1 Discuss personal works of art and the artwork of others to enhance visual literacy.

            VA1.CN.3 Develop life skills through the study and production of art (e.g. collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication).




            South Carolina Standards

            Curriculum Standards


            K.G.2 Identify and describe a given shape and shapes of objects in everyday situations to include two-dimensional shapes (i.e., triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, and circle) and three-dimensional shapes (i.e., cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere). 


            K.G.5 Draw two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, and circle) and create models of three-dimensional shapes (i.e., cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere).


            Grade 1

            1.G.1 Distinguish between a two-dimensional shape’s defining (e.g., number of sides) and non-defining attributes (e.g., color). 


            1.G.4 Identify and name two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, rhombus, trapezoid, and circle).


            Arts Standards

            Anchor Standard 1: I can use the elements and principles of art to create artwork.

            Anchor Standard 2: I can use different materials, techniques, and processes to make art.

            Anchor Standard 3: I can improve and complete artistic work using elements and principles.

            Anchor Standard 4: I can organize work for presentation and documentation to reflect specific content, ideas, skills, and or media.



            Key Vocabulary

            Content Vocabulary

            • Capital/uppercase letter - The first letter of a sentence or a proper noun
            • Period - A punctuation mark that indicates the end of a sentence
            • Geometric shape - A flat, two-dimensional figure that has specific characteristics and can be identified by its attributes 
            • Edge - The side of a shape
            • Vertices - Angles


            Arts Vocabulary

            • Line - One of the seven elements of art; the path of a moving point
            • Shape - One of the seven elements of art; an enclosed line; two-dimensional object




            • Pieces of yarn (some long, some medium, and some short)
            • Types of Shapes handout - one per student
            • White paper
            • Crayons or markers
            • Construction paper
            • Glue sticks
            • When a Line Bends…A Shape Begins


            Instructional Design

            Opening/Activating Strategy

            • Give students several pieces of yarn of different lengths and the Types of Shapes handout. Tell students that shapes are made from connected lines. Have students practice outlining the shapes using yarn as lines.


            Work Session

            • Show students the cover of the book, When a Line Bends, A Shape Begins. Ask students to help identify the title, author, and illustrator.
            • Tell students that today they are going to learn about different kinds of shapes through the book, When a Line Bends…A Shape Begins. As you read the book to students, have students practice making the shape discussed by manipulating their yarn. Ask students how many pieces of yarn they need to make the shape to help them understand the number of sides/edges and vertices each shape has.
            • After reading the book, ask students what the book was about to check for understanding. Ask them about the different kinds of shapes they learned about and where they can see examples of these shapes in the classroom. 
            • Tell students that they are going to be making shape characters. Assign each student a shape (square, circle, rectangle, triangle, etc). Tell students that their shape will become a character–it needs to have the correct number of vertices and sides/edges as well as arms, legs, hair, and a face. 
            • Students should first draw their shape large on construction paper. 
            • Then, students should cut it out and glue it on a white piece of paper. 
            • Finally, students can add a face, arms, legs, hair, etc. using crayons or markers.
            • Once students create their shape characters, they will write a sentence about their character. Their sentence should say what type of shape it is, how many lines are used to make it (how many sides), and what they choose to name their shape. Students should focus on using correct punctuation in their sentences (beginning with a capital letter and ending with a period).


            Closing Reflection

            Have students get in groups of four so that each member of the group has a different shape. Students should take turns presenting their shape character and reading their sentence to the group.




            • Teachers will assess understanding through:

              • Students’ yarn shapes that they make as they read the book
              • Class discussion after reading the book to see if students understood the book and can identify types of shapes in the classroom




              • Students’ shape characters should have the correct number of vertices and sides/edges.
              • Students’ sentences about their shape character should begin with an uppercase letter and end with a period. They should include the attributes of their shape.





            • Have students work together to create a story in which their shape characters interact. Have students develop a beginning, middle, and end to their story. Students can either draw or write the beginning, middle, and end of the story depending on the student’s abilities.


            • Instead of having students use yarn to make the shapes, have them trace the shapes with their pencils or a colored crayon. 
            • Have students answer verbally or in non-sentence written form the type of shape character they created and the number of sides/lines used to create the shape.


            Types of Shapes handout

            When a Line Bends…A Shape Begins read aloud

            *This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.


            Ideas contributed by:  Katy Betts


            Revised and copyright:  September 2023 @ ArtsNOW





            Learning Description

            This lesson allows students to explore sentence structure through movement and choreographicsequences. Discover how to integrate dance into your language arts curriculum and engage yourstudents in a brand-new way!


            Learning Targets

            GRADE BAND: K-1

            Download PDF of this Lesson

            "I Can" Statements

            “I Can…”

            • I can identify types of sentences.

            • I can identify parts of speech.

            • I can use movement to express the intent of a sentence, i.e., strong emotion, a question, or a command.

            • I can choreograph a dance based on a given structure.

            Essential Questions

            • How can movement help us identify parts of speech and sentence type? 


            Georgia Standards

            Curriculum Standards


            ELAGSEKL1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. 

            ELAGSEKL2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.



            Grade 1:

            ELAGSE1L1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

            ELAGSE1L2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.



            Arts Standards


            ESDK.CR.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the choreographic process.

            ESDK.CR.2 Demonstrate an understanding of dance as a form of communication

            ESDK.PR.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements, skills, and terminology in dance.

            ESDK.RE.1 Demonstrate critical and creative thinking in dance.

            ESDK.CN.3 Identify connections between dance and other areas of knowledge.


            Grade 1:

            ESD1.CR.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the choreographic process. 

            ESD1.CR.2 Demonstrate an understanding of dance as a form of communication

            ESD1.PR.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements, skills, and terminology in dance.

            ESD2.CN.3 Identify connections between dance and other areas of knowledge.



            South Carolina Standards

            Curriculum Standards


            K.W.MCC.4.1 With guidance and support, use nouns.

            K.W.MCC.4.3 With guidance and support, understand and use interrogatives. 

            K.W.MCC.4.4 With guidance and support, use verbs.

            K.C.MC.1.4 Participate in conversations with varied partners about focused grade level topics and texts in small and large groups. 


            Grade 1:

            1.W.MCC.4.1 Use common, proper, and possessive nouns. 

            1.W.MC.4.2 Use singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in basic sentences. 

            1.W.MC.4.8 Produce and expand complete simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences. 


            Arts Standards

            Anchor Standard 1: I can use movement exploration to discover and create artistic ideas and works.

            Anchor Standard 2: I can choreograph a dance.

            Anchor Standard 3: I can perform movements using the dance elements.

            Anchor Standard 5: I can describe, analyze, and evaluate a dance.

            Anchor Standard 7: I can relate dance to other arts disciplines, content areas, and careers.




            Key Vocabulary

            Content Vocabulary

            Sentence Types

            • Interrogative - A sentence that asks a question and ends with a question mark.
            • Imperative - A sentence that gives a command or makes a request. 
            • Exclamatory - A sentence that shows strong emotion and ends with an exclamation mark. 
            • Declarative - A sentence that makes a statement and ends with a period.
            • Punctuation - Marks used in writing to separate words and numerals.

            Arts Vocabulary

            • Locomotor - Movement that travels from one location to another in a pathway through space

            • Non locomotor - Movement that occurs without the body traveling from one point to another point.

            Energy Qualities 

            • Percussive - A quality of movement characterized by sharp starts and stops, staccato jabs of energy.  
            • Suspended - A quality of movement that occurs in a moment of resistance to gravity, such as the instant in which a dancer hangs in space at the top of a leap.  
            • Sustained - A quality of movement that is smooth and unaccented. There is no apparent start or stop, only a continuity of energy.  
            • Swinging - A quality of movement established by a fall with gravity, a gain in momentum, a loss of momentum, and the repeated cycle of fall and recovery, like that of a pendulum.  
            • Vibratory - A quality of movement characterized by rapidly repeated bursts of percussive movements, like a jitter. 




            • Sound source (CD player, iPod) and speaker  
            • Audio recording 
            • Cards with printed sentences 


            Instructional Design

            Opening/Activating Strategy

            • As a group, lead students in a warm up that includes these dance elements:

              • Movement energy qualities, including percussive, suspended, sustained, swinging, and vibratory. 
              • Locomotor and non-locomotor movements.
              • Identify these dance elements so that students learn dance vocabulary.


            Work Session

            ELA Discussion

            • Ask students to identify different sentence types (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative). 
            • Ask students to match a movement quality of their choice to each sentence type. 
            • Ask students to identify the following parts of speech: verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, and adverb. 

            Small group choreography 

            • Divide students into groups and ask each group to create a movement/shape for each part of speech. Each group will create five movements. 
            • Now, give each group a card with a sentence on it. The members will need to identify the underlined parts of speech and the sentence type. 
            • Group members choreograph a short movement phrase that demonstrates the correct order of the underlined parts of speech as they appear, as well as the movement quality that matches the overall sentence type. 


            Once students have completed their choreographies, each group will present its sentence, identify the parts of speech, and present their choreography to the class. Option to choose music for each dance.


            Closing Reflection

            Ask students to explain, using dance vocabulary, how a movement of a peer group expresses a certain part of speech.


            Ask students to explain why they chose certain movements to express certain parts of speech.






            • Students engage in collaborative discussion about movement choices and parts of speech.

            • Students correctly use dance vocabulary during discussion.



            • Students correctly identify parts of speech and sentence types. 

            • The form and sequence of a group choreography correctly matched the sequence of the assigned sentence. 

            • Movements were correctly performed.





            Add layers to the choreographic process to:

            • Include transitions
            • Vary movements to show a clear beginning, middle, and end expressed in terms of movement (as opposed to simply following the order given by the sentence).


            As a class, identify the underlined parts of speech and the sentence type and then assign groups to match movements with parts of speech.


            As part of the standards discussion but not standards themselves, the statements below reflect the connection between the choreographic process and the writing process and are interesting to consider while implementing this lesson. 

            Fundamentals of Writing  

            Employ a recursive writing process that includes planning, drafting, revising, editing, rewriting, publishing, and reflecting.  

            Interact and collaborate with peers and adults to develop and strengthen writing.  

            Produce writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, discipline, and audience. 

            Fundamentals of Communication  

            Employ a reciprocal communication process that includes planning, drafting, revising, editing, reviewing, presenting, and reflecting.  

            Communicate using style, language, and nonverbal cues appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.  

            Use active and attentive communication skills, building on other’s ideas to explore, learn, enjoy, argue, and exchange information.  

            Monitor delivery and reception throughout the communication process and adjust approach and strategies as needed.

            *This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

             Ideas contributed and updated by: Melissa Dittmar-Joy and Julie Galle Baggenstoss

             Revised and copyright:  August 2022 @ ArtsNOW