Annual Report

Explore ArtsNOW’s Annual Reports to discover the stories, successes, and impact of our work each year. Here, we showcase our journey of fostering creativity, innovation, and connection across communities, empowering educators and students through the arts.

2023-2024 Annual Report - PDF

A group of diverse people joyfully playing music with percussion instruments, representing the vibrant culture of Georgia. The image is overlaid with text: "artsNOW Impact Report 2023-2024" for our Landing Page.

2022-2023 Annual Report - PDF and microsite

In a bustling Georgia classroom, a group of children energetically participate in an activity, eagerly raising their hands. An adult stands at the front, leading the session. This vibrant scene graces the landing page of the "artsNOW" annual report titled "Our Year of Growth.

2021-2022 Annual Report - PDF

The image features three scenes of children participating in indoor educational activities led by adults. The background is predominantly teal and white, with the text "We bring learning to life!" and the "artsNOW" logo at the bottom.

Interested in learning more?

Join us for our Demonstration of Learning Days at a location near you. Or contact us to learn more!

10 Glenlake Parkway, Suite 130, Atlanta, GA 30328© ArtsNOW 2023