It is very difficult to capture all of the successes ArtsNow has with students, teachers, administrators, and district level leaders. In order to better tell our story, this page contains testimonials from all stakeholders in regards to the high-quality work we produce.
In order to further understand and capture the impact ArtsNow has on students’ engagement, mindshift, and 21st Century Skills (collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking) we have begun collecting student reflections. Below is a sampling:
“I really like how we acted as a group. This really helped understand how we could do better when writing or telling a story. This class made me feel more confident about talking in front of people.”
“It was better and more fun than how we learn in all of our classes at Bear Creek, and I wished that we were coming here every day. This style of learning is AMAZING! I loved it.”
“Overall, it was great, and I can’t wait to go back! The style of learning was engaging and fun. When I’m bored, I want to read or sleep. This class made me want to do neither.”
“What I liked about this style is that it is hands on, our teacher was creative and happy, and I saw smiles on everyone’s faces. This is a very creative way to learn and I enjoyed it.”
“I liked it because we got to share what we know. We got to combine our knowledge, imagination, and sensory details to create a story, and I liked that.”
“This was a fun activity with good timing because we are learning about the civil war. It is amazing because we do not role play people the civil war at my school, so it gives us a reason to remember it. Kids do not want to learn unless it is fun.”
“What I liked was the freedom. I liked it because usually at school there is not a lot of freedom. I liked it because I can use math in my art. What I also liked was the activities. I liked them because they were engaging and you weren’t sitting down.”
“I loved it all. I liked that we got to work in groups. I liked that we got to be very creative and use our imagination with other people around us.”

10 Glenlake Parkway, Suite 130
Atlanta, GA 30328