Exploring Social Studies Through Playwriting 6


Students use photos of people in real life events from the Zapatistas Movement as a springboard to write dialogue between the people in photograph. Students are paired up and create a scene that addresses the issues surrounding the Zapatistas Movement. By allowing your students to explore their knowledge of the Zapatistas Movement through the eyes of someone who was there, they learn empathy and better embody the subject matter. This exercise is a wonderful tool to increase presentation skills, empathy and ensemble in your classroom.


Georgia Habitats on Air 3


Students explore Georgia habitats and the plants and animals that inhabit it by using movement to deepen the learning of vocabulary. They will work in teams to show other students ways to conserve when playing “Conservation Charades”. Individual students write Public Service Announcements through the eyes of a Georgia animal whose habitat has been tainted by pollution. These PSAs are cries for help from the animal to Georgians. Having students to embody the afflicted helps them to empathize in order to work towards solutions and be better citizens.


Getting To Know Your Fossils 3


Explore the world of fossils by bringing them to life by telling their stories. Students jump from a picture of a fossil into becoming the fossil and creating the backstory. They explore all aspects of story writing and telling to write and perform a monologue from the pictured fossil’s point of view. As students create the life and past of their fossil, they are learning from the inside out. By sharing them using voice, body, mind and heart, the fossils are etched in their memories. Empathizing the making and life of a fossil will bring knowledge and vocabulary to light in new and exciting ways.