Rhyming Words Make Music K-5


Poetry can be a wonderful resource for musical experiences. By incorporating sounds and movement, along with the use of internalization, the learner will be able to perform and remember the given work. By allowing learners to be engaged in movement, listening, and speaking, they will be able to internalize and learn facts quickly. The objective of this plan is to facilitate the creative process. Intellectual and technical skills developed through music leads to more comprehensive brain development which contributes to academic achievement in other areas such as math and reading. Honing of self-expression and creativity motivates students to work harder in other classes and assist them with becoming more actively involved. A performance opportunity that encourages and nurtures lifelong connections and an appreciation for the arts assists in the growth of the whole child. This kind of learning experience enhances teamwork, discipline, and problem solving skills, which provides a natural fit for problem solving needed in math.


Rhythmic Experiences 3-5


Rhythmical experiences will allow the students to explore and discover that musical symbols have numerical values. Students will also learn that aspects of music can be described mathematically. An understanding of patterns, the ability to develop operations, reveal functions, and being able to move toward higher levels of abstractions, can be strengthened through parallel music study. Dividing beats and meters, performing and creating rhythm patterns and developing operations will be explored in this lesson. The summarization of the mathematical operations involved in the activity include division of beat into eighth and sixteenth notes; elongation in half notes; total number of beats per phrase in a four-beat pattern (16), in a two-beat pattern (8), in a one-beat pattern (4); totals counting repetitions of phrases- 16X2, 8X4, 4X8, and so on.


Sequencing Sound K-2


Help students develop skills in mathematics, language arts, and music by using objects in the environment as an impetus for composing music. Analysis skills (visual and aural), creative thinking, collaboration, perspective (viewing the same entity from different viewpoints), vocabulary development, and structural understanding are facilitated to create a composition illustrating a given form and/or sequence. Musical skills addressed include playing, composing, listening, and speaking.


The Sound of Numbers K-2


Using rhythmical experiences in music, the students will explore numbers and their relationships. Every aspect of music can be described mathematically. An understanding of patterns, the ability to develop operations, reveal functions, and being able to move toward higher levels of abstractions, can be strengthened through parallel music study. Dividing beats and meters: patterns; and starting the same patterns at different times to create canons: developing operations will be explored in this lesson.