My Sound is the Best K-2


Using music as an impetus for stating and supporting opinions, students will develop skills and understandings in language arts and music. Creative thinking, vocabulary development, and structural understanding are necessary to explore the timbre of musical instruments and to share defending opinions in an appropriate genre. The students will compose an opinion poster based on a narrative about a train using percussion instruments. This will involve group work which can lead the students to write individual pieces in which they support their opinions using descriptive words.


Realizing the Power of Your Own Creativity 3-5


Many artistic endeavors require a thorough knowledge and understanding of mathematics, which frequently forms the foundation for creative expression. Visual artists must evaluate dimensions, balance, design and center of gravity and balance; musicians analyze chord inversions and calculate fractions of rhythm and meter; choreographers organize beats into recurring groups and add movement; architects design with the mathematics of engineering. The learners involved in this activity will be engaged in the interpretation of poetry by adding music, movement, visual art and drama. After performing their creation, learners will discuss mathematical and/or scientific connections where applicable which have a natural fit in this learning experience.