Literature and Composition 3-5


Drawing evidence from informational text and using it to compose text for the rondo form in music, students have the opportunity to see their research come to life in composition. The process of creating and organizing the new text and rhythms for the rondo, combined with the presentation of the finished product, allows the student to demonstrate that music and literature go “hand in hand”.


Money Time K-2


Using rhythmical experiences in music, the students will explore numbers and their relationships. Every aspect of music can be described mathematically. An understanding of patterns, the ability to develop operations, reveal functions, and being able to move toward higher levels of abstractions, can be strengthened through parallel music study. Dividing beats and meters: patterns; and starting the same patterns at different times to create canons: developing operations will be explored in this lesson.


Music and Acoustics 3-5


Through listening to, analyzing, describing, and composing original sound pieces, students will develop skills and understandings in science, mathematics, language arts, and music. Teamwork and creativity are necessary to create a rhythmic composition using cups that demonstrates understanding and identification of various sounds. Musical skills addressed include improvising, composing, listening, and playing.