Learning Description

In this lesson, students will explore how they can use body percussion to learn about, represent and compare fractions through music.


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can represent fractions in multiple ways within a framework using visual models.
  • I can compare two fractions with different numerators and denominators by flexibly using a variety of tools and strategies. 
  • I can add fractions with like denominators..
  • I can compose a body percussion rhythm that represents fractions.
  • I can listen to, analyze, and describe music.
  • I can compose a body percussion composition that represents fractions.
  • I can connect music to math.

Essential Questions

  • How can I represent fractions using body percussion?
  • How does music connect to math?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 4

4.NR.4.1 Using concrete materials, drawings, and number lines, demonstrate and explain the relationship between equivalent fractions, including fractions greater than one, and explain the identity property of multiplication as it relates to equivalent fractions. Generate equivalent fractions using these relationships.


4.NR.4.2 Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their size and recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole.


4.NR.4.3 Compare two fractions with different numerators and/or different denominators by flexibly using a variety of tools and strategies and recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole.


4.NR.4.6 Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators using a variety of tools.


Arts Standards

Grade 4

ESGM4.RE.1 Listen to, analyze, and describe music.

ESGM4.CR.2 Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines.

ESGM4.PR.2 Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others.

ESGM4.CN.1 Connect music to the other fine arts and disciplines outside the arts.

Grade 5

ESGM5.RE.1 Listen to, analyze, and describe music.

ESGM5.CR.2 Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines.

ESGM5.PR.2 Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others.

ESGM5.CN.1 Connect music to the other fine arts and disciplines outside the arts.


South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 4

4.NSF.1 Explain why a fraction (i.e., denominators 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 25, 100), is equivalent to a fraction, by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.


4.NSF.2 Compare two given fractions (i.e., denominators 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 25, 100) by creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as 1/2 and represent the comparison using the symbols >, =, or <.


4.NSF.3 Develop an understanding of addition and subtraction of fractions (i.e., denominators 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 25, 100) based on unit fractions.

Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 1: I can arrange and compose music.

Anchor Standard 4: I can play instruments alone and with others.

Anchor Standard 6: I can analyze music.

Anchor Standard 7: I can evaluate music

Anchor Standard 9: I can relate music to other arts disciplines, other subjects, and career paths.



Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

  • Fractions - Equal parts of a whole          
  • Numerator - The top number in a fraction that represents how many parts of a whole are being considered
  • Denominator - The bottom number in a fraction. It represents the total number of equal parts into which the whole is divided
  • Greater than (>) - A number that is larger than another number
  • Less than (<) - A number that is smaller than another number
  • Equal to (=) - A number that has the same value as another number
  • Equivalent fractions - Different fractions that represent the same part of a whole; they have different numerators and denominators but the same value

Arts Vocabulary

  • Steady beat - Steady pulse

  • Body percussion - Stomping, patting, clapping, snapping, etc.)
  • Pitch - High/low sounds
  • Rhythm - Long/short sounds
  • Dynamics - Loud/soft sound



  • Paper
  • Pencils
  • Teacher access to computer and Internet



Instructional Design

Opening/Activating Strategy

  • Prepare students for the listening activity by telling students that they are going to listen to a song and answer three prompts about the song. Wait until the end of the listening activity before revealing the title and composer of the song.
      • The first prompt is “I hear”.
        • Students should focus on the different musical sounds such as tempo (fast/slow), dynamics (loud/soft), instruments, pitch (high/low), and lyrics (words to song). They may use words or draw a quick picture to answer. 
        • Play the song audio only one time while students are listening in order to answer the prompt, “I hear”. 
        • Students turn and talk to a neighbor and share their answers.
        • Students share out to the class. Validate the answers that students give.
        • Repeat the process for “I think” and “I wonder”.
          • For “I think”, the teacher can ask clarifying questions such as, “What did you hear in the music that made you think that?”.
  • After the listening activity, encourage students to sing along with the recording. Provide a lyric sheet or turn on closed captions so that students can sing along with the video. (The font of the closed caption can be enlarged by clicking on settings, then English, finally options.)
    • Start by singing the chorus. Tell students that the chorus is the main idea of the song with repeating lyrics.
    • Lead students in finding the steady beat to the song during the verses by directing students to pat their legs or tap two fingers in a palm. 
    • Demonstrate the four basic movements of body percussion (stomp, pat, clap, snap–or tap two fingers in palm if snapping is a challenge). Lead students in each of these movements doing them to the steady beat of the song.
  • Transition into the lesson about fractions.

Work Session

    • Introduce or review grade level fraction concepts, such as equivalent fractions, comparing fractions, and adding and subtracting fractions. Use modeling, visual representations, and hands-on manipulatives to help students understand the concept of fractions.
    • Transition to the concept of representing and comparing fractions through performing rhythmic movements called body percussion.
      • Remind students of the four basic movements of body percussion used in the activator (stomp, pat, clap, snap–or tap two fingers in palm if snapping is a challenge).
      • Help students determine the fractions of the body movements in Body Percussion Grid 1 (ex: claps = 5/16 if using the entire board)
      • Students will then compare the fractions using greater than, less than, and equal to.
  • Divide students into small groups of three to four students and present the following group task:
    • Tell students that as a group, they will create their own body percussion composition using the Create Your Own Beat Body Percussion Board.
      • Predetermine how many movements students should use/how many squares on the board (ex: the entire board, only 12 squares, only 8 squares, etc.). This number will represent the denominator.
        • Assign a different number of total movements for different groups. 
      • Provide time for students to:
        • Compose their body percussion using the blank board. 
        • Determine and write fractions based on the occurrence of body parts. 
        • Students should add their fractions to ensure that they have the correct total number of movements assigned (i.e., 5/16 + 2/16 + 4/16 + 5/16 = 16/16).
        • Compare the fractions using greater than, less than, and equal to.
        • Practice performing the body percussion composition to a steady beat.
  • After a predetermined amount of work time, students will share their body percussion compositions with a partner group.
    • Groups will work to compare the occurrence of body parts in each of their compositions by finding the least common denominator. For example, one group used clapping 3 beats out of 16 total and their partner group used clapping 3 beats out of 8 total. Students should find the least common denominator and show that 3/16 < 6/16.
    • Students should look for any occurrences of the same numerator in their fractions and be able to determine that because they have different denominators, the fractions are not equivalent. 
    • Students should look for any occurrences of equivalent fractions when comparing  compositions and be able to determine that the fraction of the movement in each composition is the same even though the occurrence of the movement is different in each composition.

Closing Reflection

  • Partner groups will share their body percussion composition with the class.
    • Remind performers to do their best. Remind audience members to give their attention to the performing group and applaud the group’s effort after the performance.
    • Groups will share with the class what they learned when comparing their compositions.
  • Together, the teacher and students will review how students used body percussion to represent and compare fractions.





Teacher will assess student learning through:

  • Observation of written responses during the listening activity.
  • Observation of “turn and talk” and “sharing out” during the listening activity.
  • Observation of students singing with a steady beat.
  • Observation of students demonstrating the steady beat during the singing activity.
  • Observation and questioning during the group task.
  • Observation of groups comparing their compositions.






  • Students can perform the body percussion to a steady beat.
  • Students can correctly identify fractions based on the body parts used to create the body percussion compositions.
  • Students can compare fractions using body percussion compositions by finding the least common denominator.
  • Students can create a body percussion composition that represents fractions.






  • Require a minimum number of movements in the composition. 
  • Have groups combine their compositions into one large composition after converting all fractions to the least common denominator. If the least common denominator was 16 for each, by combining the two compositions, the total number of movements will now be 32. Students should add all occurrences of each body percussion movement and reorder the movements from least to greatest. For example, after converting the fractions to use the least common denominator, one group has used clapping 2 times and the other group 4 times (using the new denominator of 32, 2/32 + 4/32 = 6/32); one groups has used stomping 3 times and the other group 5 times (3/32 + 5/32 = 8/32). Students would then order/compare the movements from least to greatest, 6/32 < 8/32.
  • Have students simplify fractions where possible. 


  • Scaffold the lesson by working with students to compare two example compositions by finding the least common denominators before groups complete this task independently.
  • Reduce the number of total squares/denominator to complete on the body percussion board.
  • Limit the number of types of body percussion movements students should use in their compositions to a small number.






*This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

Ideas contributed by: Rue Lee-Holmes. Updated by: Katy Betts.

Revised and copyright:  August 2024 @ ArtsNOW







Learning Description

In this lesson, students will integrate their knowledge of weather and dance to create movements that show different energies in dance. Students will use their understanding of temperature and moisture to create a movement representing one of the science terms learned focusing on a specific energy in dance.


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can identify different types of temperature and forms of moisture.

  • I can create a movement that represents a temperature or form of moisture through dance energy.

Essential Questions

  • What are different temperatures and forms of moisture?

  • What type of dance energy in movement can represent a temperature or form of moisture?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 1

S1E1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate weather data to identify weather patterns.

Arts Standards


ESDK.PR.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements, skills, and terminology in



ESDK.PR.2 Understand and model dance etiquette as a classroom participant, performer,

and observer.


Grade 1

ESD1.PR.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements, skills, and terminology in



ESD1.PR.2 Understand and model dance etiquette as a classroom participant, performer,

and observer.


South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards


K-ESS2-1. Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time.

Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 1: I can use movement exploration to discover and create artistic ideas and works.


Anchor Standard 3: I can perform movements using the dance elements. 

Anchor Standard 7: I can relate dance to other arts disciplines, content areas, and careers. 


Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

  • Temperature - How hot or cold something is; temperature is a way to measure the amount of heat energy in an object or environment
    • Hot
    • Cold
    • Chilly
    • Warm
  • Moisture - The presence of water vapor in the atmosphere

  • Rain - A form of precipitation that occurs when water droplets in clouds become large enough to fall to the ground due to gravity

  • Snow - A form of precipitation that falls from clouds in the form of ice crystals

  • Fog - A meteorological phenomenon characterized by a dense concentration of water droplets suspended in the air near the ground

Arts Vocabulary

  • Energy - The quality and intensity of movement expressed by a dancer

  • Sustained - A type of energy in dance characterized by a continuous and controlled flow of movement without abrupt changes in speed or intensity

  • Vibratory - A type of energy in dance characterized by rapid and rhythmic vibrations or oscillations of the body often using quick and repetitive movements and involving isolated body parts such as the hands, hips, or shoulders

  • Swinging - A type of energy in dance with a rhythmic movement characterized by a back-and-forth motion of the body, often involving the hips, arms, or legs; typically involves a relaxed and fluid execution, with movements that flow smoothly from one direction to the other

  • Levels - The different heights or elevations at which movements are performed; low, mid-level, or high




Instructional Design

Opening/Activating Strategy

  • Using the text Weather Words and What They Mean by Gail Gibbons, review different temperatures and forms of moisture. 
  • The terms hot, cold, warm, chilly, cool, rain, snow, and fog should be written on an anchor chart so students can refer back to them if necessary.
  • Involve a short movement break to support participation and focus. 
    • In this movement break, have students experiment with different movements by asking them to move like it’s cold, move like it’s raining, etc.


Work Session

  • The teacher will read the “I can” statement and discuss with students the important words and their definitions (create, represent, dance energy, movement, temperature, moisture, etc.).
  • Tell students to choose a movement. Once they have performed their movement, explain that each movement they just did had an energy.
    • The teacher will then introduce the three different movement energies that will be used in the lesson (sustained, vibratory and swinging) and will model what each energy looks like. 
    • Students will perform that movement energy along with the teacher. This can be done seated or standing.
    • The class will then stand and practice using these three energies again using their whole body. 
  • Divide students into small groups.
  • Introduce and model how each group of students will be receiving their own temperature or form of moisture and will communicate and collaborate together to create a movement that displays a specific dance energy (vibratory, swinging, sustained). 
    • Emphasize that the movement and energy should represent the temperature or form of moisture they were assigned. 
  • After being placed in groups, circulate and conference with each group to support when needed and to assess who is understanding the task. Modeling can be done to help support students.


Closing Reflection

  • Each group will perform their movement for the class.
    • Prepare students for performances by discussing appropriate audience participation with students.
    • Before performing, groups will share what energy their movement had and what temperature or form of moisture their movement represented.
    • Facilitate audience discussion after each performance asking students which type of energy they saw and how that type of energy is like the temperature or form of moisture assigned to the group.




Teacher will assess student understanding throughout the lesson by asking questions to evaluate students’ knowledge of temperature and forms of moisture (i.e. “What is an example of a form of moisture?”), and by observing movement energies as they are working in small groups. 




  • Students can identify different types of temperature and forms of moisture.
  • Students can communicate and collaborate effectively with their peers.
  • Students can create a movement with a specific energy that represents a temperature or form of moisture.




  • Allow the audience to guess what temperature or form of moisture the movement represents after students perform their movements. 
  • Students can be assigned multiple words to create a multiple movement choreography.
  • Incorporate levels into students’ movements.


  • Students can be provided a peer mentor or teacher to support and assist. This would be most helpful during the small group work time.
  • Create a movement as an entire class before breaking into small groups.  

*This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

Ideas contributed by: Madeline Wilkes

Revised and copyright:  May 2024 @ ArtsNOW





Learning Description

In this lesson, students will demonstrate their understanding of the Bill of Rights by choreographing a movement phrase to represent each amendment using the elements of dance.


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can choreograph a movement phrase using the elements of dance to represent the Bill of Rights.
  • I can explain my assigned amendment from the Bill of Rights.

Essential Questions

  • How can movement represent an idea?
  • What is the Bill of Rights?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 4

SS4CG3 Describe the structure of government and the Bill of Rights. 

Identify and explain the rights in the Bill of Rights, describe how the Bill of Rights places limits on the powers of government, and explain the reasons for its inclusion in the Constitution in 1791.

Arts Standards

Grade 4

ESD4.CR.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the choreographic process.


ESD4.CR.2 Demonstrate an understanding of dance as a form of communication.


ESD4.CN.3 Integrate dance into other areas of knowledge.



South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 4

Standard 2: Demonstrate an understanding of the identity of a new nation, including the state of South Carolina between 1730-1800.

4.2.CC Explain the continuities and changes in natural rights as seen from the French and Indian War to the creation of the Bill of Rights.

Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 1: I can use movement exploration to discover and create artistic ideas and works.


Anchor Standard 2: I can choreograph a dance.


Anchor Standard 3: I can perform movements using the dance elements.

Anchor Standard 7: I can relate dance to other arts disciplines, content areas, and careers.


Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

  • Bill of Rights - The first ten amendments of the US Constitution; the purpose is to protect the rights of citizens
  • Amendment - A formal change to a legal document, statute, or constitution

Arts Vocabulary

  • Body - The physical instrument used by dancers to express movement, emotion, and artistry
  • Locomotor Movements - Movements that travel through space, such as walking, running, hopping, skipping, leaping, sliding, and galloping
  • Non-locomotor Movements - Movements that occur without traveling, such as bending, stretching, pushing, pulling, twisting, turning, and shaking
  • Levels - The height of the movement, which can be low (close to the ground), middle (midway), or high (elevated)
  • Directions - The direction of movement, such as forward, backward, sideways, diagonal, up, and down
  • Pathways - The patterns made in space, like straight, curved, zigzag, or circular
  • Dynamics - The quality of movement, which can be smooth, sharp, sustained, percussive, swinging, or collapsing
  • Tempo - The speed of movement, which can be fast, moderate, or slow
  • Choreography - The art and practice of designing and arranging dance movements and sequences
  • Movement phrase - A sequence of movements that are connected and form a coherent unit of motion, much like a sentence in language



  • Copy of the Bill of Rights
  • Smart board


Instructional Design

Opening/Activating Strategy

  • Begin the lesson by practicing a typical call and response with students. Continue the call and response adding body movements.
    • Incorporate some of the aspects of the elements of dance such as levels, pathways, direction, locomotor/non-locomotor movements, changes in tempo, etc.


Work Session

  • Tell students that they will be using movement and dance to express ideas. 
    • Have students practice using their whole bodies based on a specific task, such as, to write their names in the air with finger, then elbow, then foot, then nose, then top of your head, then hip.
    • Begin to make the directions more abstract (i.e. make your body a leaf, and move like a leaf holding on to a branch in the wind, etc). Remind students that they should use their whole bodies.
    • Add in the aspects of the elements of dance such as levels, pathways, direction, locomotor/non-locomotor movements, changes in tempo, etc.
  • Tell students that dancers use their bodies to communicate ideas. Today, they will be using dance to represent the Bill of Rights.
    • Review the Bill of Rights; display each amendment on the board.
    • Arrange students into small groups. 
    • Each group will be responsible for choreographing a two to three movement phrase to represent their assigned amendment. 
      • Remind students to use their bodies and movement to represent ideas (like the leaf blowing in the wind), not to act or pantomime.
      • Remind students of some of the aspects of the elements of dance (types of movements, levels, tempo, dynamics, etc.). Tell students to select at least one that they will use intentionally in their movement phrases. 
  • After a designated time, have each group come up and present their choreography to the class.
    • Facilitate a discussion around how the dancers’ movements represented their assigned amendment. Ask students where they saw the elements of dance in each movement phrase and how that element of dance helped to communicate meaning.
  • Finally, have the entire class perform their choreography consecutively as a complete dance. This will allow all of them to sequence the movements and collectively perform one dance of the entire Bill of Rights.


Closing Reflection

  • In their groups, students should discuss which movements they chose and how those movements represented their assigned amendment. 
  • Facilitate a class discussion around the process of choreographing a dance that communicated a specific idea.
    • Ask students what they thought they did well and what they would do differently if they were to do it again.




Teachers will assess students’ understanding by observing students’ review of the Bill of Rights, contributions to small group choreography and ability to create movements to represent ideas using the elements of dance.




  • Students can choreograph a movement phrase using the elements of dance to represent their assigned amendment.
  • Students can explain how their movements represent the meaning of their assigned amendment.




  • Challenge students to move to the steady beat of the music.
  • Students can complete a written reflection around which movements they chose and how those movements represented their assigned amendment.



  • Students can create one movement instead of a two to three movement phrase to represent their amendment.
  • Choreograph the first amendment as a whole class to scaffold the process.


*This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

Ideas contributed by: Andrew Sbarra

Revised and copyright:  May 2024 @ ArtsNOW




Learning Description

In this lesson, students will work in groups to identify and label syllable types in words. They will then arrange their words into a sentence or phrase and use the elements of dance to choreograph a syllable dance representing their sentence.


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can identify syllable types.
  • I can use elements of dance to choreograph a dance sequence to represent a sentence or phrase based on syllable types.

Essential Questions

  • What are different long vowel syllable types?
  • How can you use your body and movement to represent different syllable types?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 2

ELAGSE2RF3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. 

  1. Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words. 
  2. Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. 
  3. Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels. 
  4. Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes. 
  5. Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences.


Grade 3

ELAGSE3RF3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. 

  1. Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and suffixes. 
  2. Decode words with common Latin suffixes. 
  3. Decode multi-syllable words.

Arts Standards

Grade 2

ESD2.CR.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the choreographic process.


ESD2.PR.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements, skills, and terminology in dance.


ESD2.CN.3 Identify connections between dance and other areas of knowledge.


Grade 3

ESD3.CR.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the choreographic process.


ESD3.PR.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements, skills, and terminology in dance.


ESD3.CN.3 Identify connections between dance and other areas of knowledge.


South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 2

Standard 3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding words.

3.1 Use knowledge of r-controlled vowels to read.

3.2 Use knowledge of how syllables work to read multisyllabic words.

3.3 Read irregularly spelled two-syllable words and words with common prefixes and suffixes.

3.4 Use and apply knowledge of vowel diphthongs.

3.5 Use and apply knowledge of how inflectional endings change words.

3.6 Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.


Grade 3

Standard 3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding words.

3.1 Produce one-to-one letter-sound correspondences for each consonant.

3.2 Associate long and short sounds of the five major vowels with their common spellings.

3.3 Read regularly spelled single-syllable words.

3.4 Distinguish between similarly spelled consonant-vowel-consonant patterned words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.

3.5 Read common high-frequency words.

3.6 Recognize grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.


Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 1: I can use movement exploration to discover and create artistic ideas and works.

Anchor Standard 2: I can choreograph a dance.

Anchor Standard 3: I can perform movements using the dance elements.


Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

  • Syllable - A unit of pronunciation that typically contains a vowel sound, and may also include surrounding consonants
  • Open syllable - A syllable that ends with a vowel sound; the vowel usually has a long sound
  • Closed syllable - A syllable that ends with a consonant sound; the vowel usually has a short sound
  • Magic “e” syllable - A syllable that contains a single vowel followed by a consonant and an "e" at the end
  • Vowel team syllable - A syllable that contains two or more vowels that work together to produce a single sound

Arts Vocabulary

  • Position - The placement of the body or limbs in a specific arrangement
  • Closed position - A dance posture where the arms are typically held close to the body, often with the hands placed near the chest or waist, and the legs are usually together
  • Open position - A posture where the dancer's arms are extended away from the body, creating space between the arms and torso, and the legs may be apart
  • Choreography - The art of creating and arranging dance movements, sequences, and patterns to form a cohesive performance or routine
  • Body - The physical form and movements of the dancer, including posture, alignment, gestures, and overall expressiveness
  • Space - The area where movement occurs, including the dimensions, levels, pathways, and relationships between dancers and their surroundings





Instructional Design

Opening/Activating Strategy

  • Lead students in a dance warm up, modeling a variety of open and closed body positions. Have students copy the movements. Identify open versus closed positions as they are demonstrated.
  • As students demonstrate that they understand open and closed positions, invite a few students up to lead the class in different movements.

Work Session

  • Tell students that they will be identifying multiple syllable types, with mixed vowel sounds. They will use their body and dance positions to represent the syllables within a sentence/phrase. 
  • Review the syllable types including closed syllables, open syllables, magic “e” syllables, and vowel team syllables.
  • Discuss “body” as an element of dance. Remind students of the open and closed positions from the opening strategy.
  • Practice identifying syllable types in individual words and adding a body position/movement to represent it. 
    • Encourage students to think about how a closed versus open position could represent different types of syllables.
  • Divide students into groups of three to five. 
    • Provide each group with a set of word cards. 
    • Students should label each word card, marking vowels with a dot, splitting the syllables, and noting the syllable type. 
    • Next, students should arrange several of the word cards to form a sentence or phrase. Students will glue their labeled word cards onto a sentence strip. 
  • As a group, students will choreograph a dance that represents their sentence and demonstrates the different types of syllables through body positions. 
    • The dance movements and body position should coordinate with the open, closed, or magic “e” syllables.
    • As students choreograph their dance, they should be aware of body shape, positions, and space to accurately represent their sentence.
    • Play instrumental music for groups to practice their syllable choreography.
  • Invite groups to perform their syllable choreography for an audience (the class).
    • Discuss appropriate audience participation with students.
    • Ask the class if they can identify the types of syllables based on the movements.


Closing Reflection

To close, students will reflect on their syllable choreography through the use of the student self-reflection rubric. Students should mark the appropriate emoji to share how they feel about their learning experience.




Teachers will assess student learning by observing students’ use of open and closed positions in the opening strategy, students’ discussion about syllable types, students’ participation in the choreographic process, students’ ability to work with group to identify syllable types in words, and students’ ability to work with group to arrange their words into a sentence or phrase.




  • Students can demonstrate total control of both open and closed body positions.
  • Students can accurately identify open, closed, and magic “e” syllables.
  • Students know and perform all of the movements to their choreography.

*See teacher rubric.




  • Students write their own sentence (rather than word cards being provided by the teacher).
  • Apply similar music integration to identify open and closed syllables before choreographing a dance.
  • Students search in texts for words to represent different syllable types and use those words to choreograph a dance.



  • Provide side-coaching as students choreograph.
  • Complete the entire syllable analysis and choreography process as a class before students work in small groups to create their own choreography.
  • Provide pre-written phrases or sentences for students.
  • Analyze the same sentence as an entire class. Groups will create their choreography based on the same sentence.
  • Provide dance movement cards to accompany open and closed body positions.




*This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

Ideas contributed by: Tara Mande

Revised and copyright:  May 2024 @ ArtsNOW




Learning Description

In this lesson, students will use movement to understand types of shapes and their attributes. First grade students will then create movement phrases to demonstrate partitioning and combining shapes.


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can identify and create different types of shapes.
  • I can create a movement using my whole body that demonstrates a type of shape. 

Essential Questions

  • How can dance/movement aid in comprehension of shapes?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards


K.GSR.8: Identify, describe, and compare basic shapes encountered in the environment, and form two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures.


Grade 1:

1.GSR.4: Compose shapes, analyze the attributes of shapes, and relate their parts to the whole.


Arts Standards


ESDK.CR.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the choreographic process.

ESDK.CR.2 Demonstrate an understanding of dance as a form of communication.

ESDK.PR.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements, skills, and terminology in dance

ESDK.RE.1 Demonstrate critical and creative thinking in dance.


Grade 1:

ESD1.CR.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the choreographic process.

ESD1.CR.2 Demonstrate an understanding of dance as a form of communication.

ESD1.PR.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements, skills, and terminology in dance

ESD1.RE.1 Demonstrate critical and creative thinking in dance.



South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards


K.G.5 Draw two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, and circle) and create models of three-dimensional shapes (i.e., cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere). 

Grade 1:

1.G.1 Distinguish between a two-dimensional shape’s defining (e.g., number of sides) and non-defining attributes (e.g., color).

1.G.2 Combine two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, rhombus, and trapezoid) or three-dimensional shapes (i.e., cube, rectangular prism, cone, and cylinder) in more than one way to form a composite shape. 

1.G.3 Partition two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, circle) into two or four equal parts.

1.G.4 Identify and name two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, rhombus, trapezoid, and circle).


Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 1: I can use movement exploration to discover and create artistic ideas and works.

Anchor Standard 2: I can choreograph a dance.

Anchor Standard 3: I can perform movements using the dance elements.

Anchor Standard 7: I can relate dance to other arts disciplines, content areas, and careers.



Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

  • Geometric shape - Mathematical figures with a fixed structure that are precise and regular 
  • Angle - A figure that is formed by two rays or lines that shares a common endpoint
  • Side - The line that connects two points of a shape

Arts Vocabulary

  • Choreography - The art of composing dances and planning and arranging the movements, steps, and patterns of dancers
  • Choreographer - A person who creates dances
  • Shape - This refers to an interesting and interrelated arrangement of body parts of one dance; the visual makeup or molding of the body parts of a single dancer; the overall visible appearance of a group of dancers
  • Space - An element of movement involving direction, level, size, focus, and pathway
  • Formation - The placement of dancers in a performance space



  • Sound source and music with a steady beat
  • Markers or crayons
  • Printed copies of dance photography



Instructional Design

Opening/Activating Strategy

      • Have students arrange themselves in the classroom with enough personal space to move freely without touching a neighbor.
      • Turn on instrumental music with a steady beat.
      • First, have students bring awareness to their bodies by leading them through gentle stretches starting from the head and moving to the toes (e.g., head circles, shoulder shrugs, toe touches, etc.).
      • Next, bring students’ awareness to the rhythm of the music by having them walk in place to the beat of the music. Once students are walking to the beat, ask them to begin gently swinging their arms by their sides. 
      • Now, direct students create shapes with their bodies; use geometric language such as curved or straight lines, angles, etc. to direct students. 
      • Have students return to their seats or the carpet.Classroom Tips: Set up chairs and tables in a circular format to maximize students’ engagement and ability to see their peers during the activity and performance. Also establish parameters for acceptable movement choices and discuss audience behavior/etiquette with students.
      • Begin the lesson by engaging students in movement that introduces students to a few of the Elements of Dance: Body, space and time.


Work Session


  • Discuss with students how they used their bodies to create shapes, lines and angles. 
  • Project different types of shapes on the board. Ask students to engage in a “seated dance” by making the shape with their upper bodies. Model how to do this and discuss how students can make angles, straight lines and curved lines with their bodies.
  • Divide the class into partners. 
  • Pass out printed copies of dance photography to students. 
    • Ask students to trace all the straight lines, curved lines, and angles they see in the photos. Ask students to trace any shapes that they find.
    • Project images of the photography on the board and allow time for students to share what they identified in the photos. 
  • Next, randomly pass out note cards with a type of shape written or drawn on it.
  • Students must create that shape with their bodies. 
    • Students can choose to each make the movement with their bodies individually, or can combine to make one large shape together. 
  • Now, tell students that dancers move to the beat of music. Students will have four beats to perform their movement. Tell students that by the count of four, they should be showing their shape with their bodies and should freeze in the shape. 
    • Practice a four count to the beat of the music with students.
    • Allow time for students to practice using a four count to perform their movement.


Grade 1 Extension: 

  • Pass out an additional shape to students. 
  • Have students create a movement phrase (more than one movement) that demonstrates either combining the two shapes to make a composite shape or partitioning one of the shapes.


Closing Reflection

  • The students will perform their movements for their classmates. Discuss appropriate audience participation and etiquette prior to performances.
  • After each performance, the audience should be able to identify the shape and its attributes.




Teachers will assess students’ understanding of the content throughout the lesson by observing students’ participation in the activator, ability to identify types of shapes, and collaborative choreography.




  • Students can identify, classify, and define similes, metaphors, hyperbole, and personification in a story.
  • Students can change their voices and bodies to convey the meaning of examples of figurative language.




  • Challenge students to create a movement phrase that transitions from a two-dimensional shape to a three-dimensional figure that uses that shape (i.e., triangle to pyramid).
  • Challenge kindergarteners to do the first grade extension.


  • Scaffold the lesson by choosing a type of shape to create a movement for as a class. Then, have partners create a movement for their individual shape. 
  • Create movements for several types of shapes together as a class. Have students participate in brainstorming how to do this. After the class has established a movement to show a shape and the class has practiced it, ask if anyone has ideas of a different way to show the same shape. Bring students who are struggling with grasping the concepts to help as assistants to the demonstrations so that they can benefit from participating.


*This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

Ideas contributed by: Melissa Dittmar-Joy. Updated by Katy Betts.

Revised and copyright: June 2024 @ ArtsNOW