Grade 5: Cells Celebrate!
Unit Description
Students will use theater, music, movement and the visual arts to explore plant and animal cells. The unit’s projects will lead students to making discoveries about the different cells they examine and the inner relationships of the organelles. Students will also strengthen their informational and opinion writing skills through the projects in this Cells Celebrate!
Unit Essential Question
How can analyzing the relationships of cell organelles help us to understand living things?
Real World Context
We study and analyze cells because they are the basis for life. We are all made up of cells and it is important that we understand the function of all of the organelles present in cells so we know how cells work. Scientists and doctors study cells to understand things like cancer and diseases. They work to detect when a cell looks abnormal and what may have caused it to be abnormal. Understanding the foundational knowledge of a cell leads us to understanding the inner workings of biology.
Cross-Cutting Interdisciplinary Concepts
Comparison (Compare and Contrast)
Parts of a Whole
Project 1: Do You See What I See?
The purpose of this project is to introduce students to the tools used to observe cells. Students will investigate the appearance of various cells using a microscope. Students will explore how the parts of a small organism work together and compose the parts of a whole. This lesson suggests also collaborating with the art teacher to take a closer look at students’ microscope sketchings and creating a large work of art that amplifies the organelles that make up a cell.
Project 2: Music and Movement in the Plant Cell
This lesson introduces the various organelles in a plant cell (chloroplast, cytoplasm, cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus). Students create riddles for the various organelles. Students then explore applying rhythms and movements to the organelles that support the function.
Project 3: Using Tableau Become a Plant Cell
Students will integrate their knowledge of previously taught organelles in a plant cell with theater arts. Students will use the different organelles: chloroplast, cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus to construct tableaux of plant cells. They will then dramatize the organelles by understanding their function in the cell and their relationship with the other organelles.
Project 4: Cell Rap
This project integrates music and visual arts into students’ study of both plant and animal cells. In this project, students will compare and contrast the organelles in both an animal cell and plant cell. Students will create a rap that shows their understanding of how the individual organelles function in both types of cell.
Project 5: Cell Debate
Students will integrate theater and explore the roles of the organelles in both plant and animal cells. This project will require students to role-play in the various organelle roles and then write an informational opinion piece about why their organelle is the most crucial cell part. Students will rehearse and perform in a cell organelle debate where they will defend their arguments. Students will work as a team to debate a common goal together.
Project 6: 3D Cell Models
Students will create a three-dimensional sculpture of an animal or plant cell. They will use various objects and mixed media to work as a group and construct a model. Students will then explore what they notice when they examine a cell from a 3D lens.
Curriculum Standards
S5P1. Students will verify that an object is the sum of its parts
- Investigate how common items have parts that are too small to be seen without magnification
S5L3. Students will diagram and label parts of various cells
- Use magnifiers such as microscopes or hand lenses to observe cells and their structure
- Identify parts of a plant cell (membrane, wall, cytoplasm, nucleus, chloroplasts) and of an animal cell (membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus) and determine the function of the parts
ELAGSE5W1. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons
- Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer’s purpose
- Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details
- Link opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses (e.g., consequently, specifically)
- Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented
ELAGSE5W2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly
- Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic
- Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic
Arts Standards
VA5PR.1 Creates artworks based on personal experience and selected themes
VA5PR.1.e Creates artworks from direct observation
- Creates artworks with a variety of media
- Draws images from careful observation
VA5PR.3 Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes of 3 dimensional works of art using tools and materials in a safe and appropriate manner to develop skills
VA5PR.4 Plans and participates in appropriate exhibitions of artworks.
D5FD.4 Understands and applies music concepts to dance
- Exhibits and creates variety in movement qualities in response to a variety of musical selections and instruments
- Demonstrates musicality while performing dance phrases
D5CO.4: Demonstrates an understanding of dance as it relates to other areas of knowledge
TAES5.2 Developing scripts through improvisation and other theatrical methods
TAES5.3 Acting by developing, communicating, and sustaining roles within a variety of situations and environments
TAES5.7 Integrating various art forms, other content areas, and life experiences, to create theater
M5GM.1 Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
M5GM.4 Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments
M5GM.5 Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines
M5GM.8 Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts
Character Education
In this unit there are many opportunities for the class to share an arts integrated project for another 5th grade class audience, particularly the 3D Cell Models and the Cell Debate projects. The 3D Cell Models could be set out with the students serving as tour guides. Another class could visit each exhibit and ask questions to the “cell experts.” The Cell Debate could easily be a performance where another class could video record and analyze the presentation. Character Education is truly integrated when opportunities are created for students to teach other students. Also character education opportunities are created when students step into the role not only as performers but also as audience/ critics who analyze closely what they see to provide peer feedback.
- For one another
- For the environment
Parts of a Whole
- Cooperate/ Working in groups
- Compromise/ Negotiation skills
- Interdependence
Summative Assessment Tools
- Written Reflections (for each project)
- Field of View Handout
- Students are directed to select one of the one of the images they saw with the microscope and create a field of view drawing representing what they observed after viewing various cells.
- Cell Function riddle- Students create and display their own riddle to be shared with the class
- Informational Writing Piece:
- Students will write a monologue from the viewpoint of their cell organelle “character”. Informational Cell Monologue Rubric is used to assess writing
- Cell Rap Rubric- Completion and performance of musical rap
- Word Art- students create word art that takes the science vocabulary and through design, illustrates the word meaning
- Student Debate Self-Assessment:
- Students will rate themselves on their recorded video debate after it is watched after the debate
- Create different monologues for organelles in both plant and animal cells
- 3D Cell Model Self-Assessment Checklist- Completion of a model of a cell with organelles correctly labeled
Partnering with Fine Arts Teachers
Music Specialist:
- Additional support in Project 4: Cell Rap
- Assist in incorporating music note counts with specific movements for various cell organelles
Visual Arts Specialist:
- Additional support in Project 1: Do You See What I See
- Assist with visual arts project magnifying cells in the form of mixed media
- Assist with providing ideas for media
- Additional support in Project 6: 3-D Cell Models
- Assist with providing ideas for materials and differentiation in 3-D cell model presentation
Appendix (See Additional Resources)
- PreTest
U.S. Department of Education
Arts in Education--Model Development and Dissemination Grants Program
Cherokee County (GA) School District and ArtsNow, Inc.
Ideas contributed and edited by:
Taylor Stewart, Danny Arnett, Jessica Espinoza, Richard Benjamin Ph.D., Michele McClelland, Mary Ellen Johnson, Jane Gill
Grade 5: Cells Celebrate!
Additional Resources
Prepare: Setting the Stage for Arts Integration (grades 3-5)
Prepare: Arts Integration Written Reflection
Home Activity Questions
Quarter Image
Jabbawockeez Video
- Powerful Plants Cells by Rebecca L. Johnson
- Cells Up Close by Maria Nelson
- Photosynthesis by Christine Zuchora-Walske
Additional Videos