Behind powerful learning are people with passion.
Board of Directors
Our independent Board of Directors is comprised of leaders with a variety of expertise, including business, K-12 education, higher education and the arts. The ArtsNOW Board is responsible for overseeing activities and setting the strategic direction of the organization, approving the budget and engaging in fundraising initiatives. All members share a passion for the role of the arts and technology in creating schools that work for all students.

Carol McGrevin, Ph.D., Chair
Partner, MCG Partners
Organizational Leadership Consultant
“As a former educator, I’ve always been a fierce advocate for equipping teachers with the tools they need to be more effective in the classroom. The arts are such a natural way to keep students more engaged, and ArtsNOW’s integration of the arts into traditional school subjects is a powerful and effective teaching tool.”
Pamela Walker, CEO & President
“Integrated learning is all about creative ways of connecting. We apply those same principles to the way we work. From our artist consultants to our board of directors, all the ArtsNOW team members work in concert to transform the way students learn and live.”
Sherry Cohen
“As a long-time Board member, I have had the pleasure to see how the professional development teachers and educators receive from ArtsNOW equip them to engage their students in a more energizing and creative way.”
Rick Rosell, Treasurer
Partner, Bennett Thrasher P.C.
“My family has a deep history in public education and I see the real results from this organization that make the teacher and student interests a priority. Integrating the arts into education helps deliver a much deeper understanding of all of the traditional subject areas.”
Lucinda Chapman
Trustee, Trinity School (Atlanta)
“ArtsNOW is a vital creative resource for teachers, communities, and students. It makes a big difference in how teachers teach, students learn, and we see the resulting positive impact from the schools and school districts we partner with.”
Jill Robinson, Secretary
Chief Financial Officer
Atlanta Braves Organization
“I know first-hand of the unique challenges to children who learn in a non-traditional way. I’m a big believer in the mission of ArtsNOW and the enhanced learning environment their approach brings to the classroom.”
David Shatz
Senior Principal of Arts & Cultural Division, Blackbaud
"As a parent of two children who have gone through the public school system, I've seen firsthand how they engage and learn differently. I am proud to leverage my technology background to help ArtsNow to reach new audiences, become a world-class fundraising organization, and expand our integrated approach into as many schools as possible."
Megan Howard Nellen
Confluence Educational Consulting
"As an educator and consultant to schools, I see the unique and transformative impact that ArtsNOW has on students and teachers. The integration of the arts builds creativity, critical thinking, and confidence in ways that meet the diverse needs of students across schools. I have seen how ArtsNOW brings joy and energy into a school community in ways unmatched by traditional professional development."
Doris Kirby Winston
Chief Client Officer, Equifax Strategic Financial Services
"As someone who values education, I believe that ArtsNOW's approach to professional development for educators, which focuses on nurturing children's unique talents and potential through arts-infused learning, can have a significant impact on their lives and future generations. A well-rounded education that includes the arts and STEM is essential to providing children with the confidence they need to succeed."
Tamera M. Woodard
VP – Associate General Counsel
"I attended public schools from Head Start through law school. More than ever, investing in our public schools is critical to ensuring our children can compete in a rapidly changing world. ArtsNOW’s integrated approach will help ensure teachers are equipped to give students the foundational skills they need to be successful in an inclusive and dynamic society."
Jill MacRae
"I have always been a visual, hands-on learner, and connecting the dots between the “what” to the “why” was my go-to trick in digesting new information. ArtsNOW brings that same approach to life in the classroom, giving students a leg up on learning and the ability to process school material on their own terms."
Ready to find out how ArtsNOW can bring learning to life for your students? Let’s talk.