Ecosystems in Action 4


Students explore animals and plants that inhabit ecosystems by using movement to deepen the retention of vocabulary. After reviewing the ecosystem players, students will play a call and response game by responding with their bodies, sound and movement to become the elements. This will be taken a step deeper when students bring their visuals to life and explain which role they play in flow of energy of an ecosystem. The lesson culminates with Food Chain Action where groups of students devise their own food chain and bring it to life for their classmates. By allowing students to embody the parts of the flow of energy, they see the system from the inside looking out and retain knowledge in a deeper perspective.


Explore the Solar System with Theater 3-5


This lesson helps build upon prior knowledge of the nine planets in the solar system by allowing students to become aliens living on the planets. By creating an imaginary alien who lives on a planet, students embody the planet and its characteristics, thereby increasing their understanding of the planets. Sharing their work with each other allows students to develop presentation skills and comfort when speaking their own thoughts and ideas.


Exploring Habitats Through Music Composition 3


Through composition of original speech pieces, students will develop skills and understandings in science, language arts, and music. Teamwork and creativity are necessary to create a chant that demonstrates understanding of plant and animal life in various habitats. Musical skills addressed include improvising, composing, listening, speaking, and moving.


Exploring Habitats Through Music Composition 3-5


Through composition of original speech pieces, students will develop skills and understandings in science, language arts, and music. Teamwork and creativity are necessary to create a chant that demonstrates understanding of plant and animal life in various habitats. Musical skills addressed include improvising, composing, listening, speaking, and moving.


Georgia Habitats on Air 3


Students explore Georgia habitats and the plants and animals that inhabit it by using movement to deepen the learning of vocabulary. They will work in teams to show other students ways to conserve when playing “Conservation Charades”. Individual students write Public Service Announcements through the eyes of a Georgia animal whose habitat has been tainted by pollution. These PSAs are cries for help from the animal to Georgians. Having students to embody the afflicted helps them to empathize in order to work towards solutions and be better citizens.