A Day With Dali 2-3



Learning Description

Students will look at the print, “Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali and talk about what they see. Students will discuss the importance of foreground, middle ground and background in a painting. Students will then visually draw a creative clock ticking throughout the day, utilizing the sky to tell morning, afternoon and evening as the hands on the clocks move!


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can tell and write time using an analog clock.
  • I can create landscape artwork that communicates different times of day using color.

Essential Questions

  • How can landscape art help us understand time?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 2: 

2.MDR.6.1 Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, and estimate and measure elapsed time using a timeline, to the hour or half hour on the hour or half hour.


Grade 3: 

3.MDR.5.2 Tell and write time to the nearest minute and estimate time to the nearest fifteen minutes (quarter hour) from the analysis of an analog clock.

Arts Standards

Grade 2: 

VA2.CR.1 Engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas by using subject matter and symbols to communicate meaning.

VA2.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes.

VA2.CR.3 Understand and apply media, techniques, and processes of two-dimensional art.

VA2.CN.2 Integrate information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of works of art.


Grade 3: 

VA3.CR.1 Engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas by using subject matter and symbols to communicate meaning.

VA3.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes.

VA3.CR.3 Understand and apply media, techniques, and processes of two-dimensional art.

VA3.CN.2 Integrate information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of works of art.


South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 2: 

2.MDA.6 Use analog and digital clocks to tell and record time to the nearest five-minute interval using a.m. and p.m.


Grade 3: 

3.MDA.1 Use analog and digital clocks to determine and record time to the nearest minute, using a.m. and p.m.; measure time intervals in minutes; and solve problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals within 60 minutes.

Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 1: I can use the elements and principles of art to create artwork. 

Anchor Standard 2: I can use different materials, techniques, and processes to make art. 

Anchor Standard 5: I can interpret and evaluate the meaning of an artwork.

Anchor Standard 7: I can relate visual arts ideas to other arts disciplines, content areas, and careers.


Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

Analog clock - A timekeeping device that displays the time through a traditional face with a numbered dial and moving hands

Arts Vocabulary

  • Landscape -
  • Foreground - In a 2-D composition, the visual plane that appears closest to the viewer
  • Middle ground - In a 2-D composition, the visual plane located between both the foreground and background
  • Background - In a 2-D composition, the plane in a composition perceived furthest from the viewer
  • Scale - A succession of sizes in proportional steps; visually, as objects move forward in space, they appear larger



    • Mixed media paper
    • Pencils
    • Colored pencils, markers, or crayons
    • Glue sticks
  • Optional - Oil pastels
  • Optional - Brads and scissors to create moving clock hands


Instructional Design

Opening/Activating Strategy

  • Project an image of Salvador Dali’s painting, “The Persistence of Memory”.
  • Ask students to work collaboratively to engage in the See, Think, Wonder Artful Thinking Routine.
    • First, students will identify what they see in the image. Emphasize that they should make objective observations about the image (i.e. physical features, colors, textures, etc.). Discuss objects in the painting, specifically the melting clock.
    • Next, ask students to identify what they think about the image. Emphasize that students should be creating inferences using visual evidence from the image. Ask what inferences students can make about the melting clock (time).
    • Finally, ask students what they wonder about the image.
  • Facilitate a class-wide discussion around students’ observations, inferences, and questions.


Work Session

    • Tell students that this painting is an example of a landscape painting. A landscape painting is an artistic depiction of natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests. It shows a wide expanse of space, rather than an up-close look at a natural image, such as a flower.
      • Landscapes have a foreground, middle ground, and background to create the illusion of space on a two-dimensional surface. Show students the landscape diagram.
      • Artists use scale, size, and proportion to further the illusion. They do this by making things that are supposed to be farthest from the viewer the smallest and things that are supposed to be the closest to the viewer largest.
      • Look at the painting again. Ask students to identify the background, middle ground, and foreground.
      • Ask them to find examples of how Dali used size, scale, and proportion to create the illusion of depth.
    • Tell students that they are going to create their own landscape art showing time.
    • Pass out drawing paper. Have students fold it in half, hotdog style and then fold it in half again hotdog style, so that there are four equal sections.
      • Tell students that the bottom fourth will be the foreground, the second to bottom fourth will be the middle ground, the next fourth will be the background, and the sky will be the top fourth.
      • Have students lightly sketch out a landscape that has a background, middle ground, and foreground.
    • Next, tell students that in their artwork they will show three times of day using color–morning, day, and night.
      • Have students divide their landscape into thirds by lightly sketching two vertical lines from the top to the bottom of their paper to create three sections–the left section will be for morning, the middle section for day, and the right section for night.
      • Show students photos of morning, day, and night, and ask students to make observations about the colors that they see.
      • Have students add color using colored pencils, markers, and/or crayons.
  • Optional: Have students outline their work with Sharpie pen or marker for emphasis.
      • Optional: Have students embellish their art by adding light touches of oil pastel to blend and create a “glow”.

Next, students will draw three circles on a separate sheet of paper, one for each section of the landscape. Each circle will be a clock that shows the time of day represented in each section. Have students represent the time of day on each of their clocks, cut them out, and glue them into the appropriate section on their artwork.
(Alternatively, have students create a clock that is not attached to their artwork. The hands of the clock can be created with brads. Students can move the clock into different sections of their artwork and correspondingly change the time represented on the clock.)


Closing Reflection

  • Have students conduct a gallery walk to observe each other’s artwork.
  • Have students select a couple artworks to look at and record the time shown on the clocks in each section of their classmates’ artwork.
  • Facilitate a group discussion and debrief the process. Encourage students to identify a “grow” and a “glow” for themselves.




Teachers will assess students’ understanding of the content throughout the lesson by observing students’ participation in the activator, discussion of landscape artwork, work on landscape art, and ability to identify different times of day using an analog clock.




  • Students can tell and write time using an analog clock.
  • Students can create landscape artwork that communicates different times of day using color.
  • Students can create landscape artwork that creates the illusion of depth on a 2D surface using a background, middle ground and foreground.



Acceleration: Have students write a narrative to accompany their landscape. The narrative should start at the time of day represented in the morning section and end at the time of day represented in the night section.

Remediation: Have students create landscape artwork for one time of day. Then, have students arrange their artwork from the earliest time of day represented to the latest time of day represented.


*This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

Ideas contributed by: Debi West. Updated by: Katy Betts.

Revised and copyright: July 2024 @ ArtsNOW


A Perfect Sacred CIRCLE 4



Learning Description

In this lesson, students will use angles, geometric shapes and symmetry to analyze and create mandalas, an ancient type of visual art originating in India.


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can use a protractor to make angles.
  • I can use line, shape, and color to create an interesting mandala design that demonstrates symmetry and pattern.
  • I can explain how math can be used to create visual art.

Essential Questions

  • How is math used to create visual art?
  • What are angles?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 4:

4.GSR.7: Investigate the concepts of angles and angle measurement to estimate and measure angles.


4.GSR.8: Identify and draw geometric objects, classify polygons based on properties, and solve problems involving area and perimeter of rectangular figures.


Grade 5: 

5.GSR.8: Examine properties of polygons and rectangular prisms, classify polygons by their properties, and discover volume of right rectangular prisms.

Arts Standards

Grade 4: 

VA4.CR.1 Engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas by using subject matter and symbols to communicate meaning.


VA4.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes. 


VA4.CR.3 Understand and apply media, techniques, processes, and concepts of two dimensional art. 


VA4.CN.2 Integrate information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of works of art.


Grade 5: 

VA5.CR.1 Engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas by using subject matter and symbols to communicate meaning.


VA5.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes. 


VA5.CR.3 Understand and apply media, techniques, processes, and concepts of two dimensional art. 


VA5.CN.2 Integrate information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of works of art.


South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 4: 

4.G.1 Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (i.e., right, acute, obtuse), and parallel and perpendicular lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures. 


4.G.2 Classify quadrilaterals based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines. 


4.G.3 Recognize right triangles as a category, and identify right triangles. 


4.G.4 Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts. Identify line symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry.

Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 1: I can use the elements and principles of art to create artwork.

Anchor Standard 2: I can use different materials, techniques, and processes to make art.

Anchor Standard 7: I can relate visual arts ideas to other arts disciplines, content areas, and careers.


Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

  • Symmetry - The quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis 
  • Protractor - An instrument for measuring angles, typically in the form of a flat semicircle marked with degrees along the curved edge 
  • Geometric shapes - Figures or forms that have a specific form and structure, defined by a set of points and lines
  • Angles - A measure of the amount of turn or rotation between two intersecting lines, line segments, or rays

Arts Vocabulary

  • Mandala - A geometric figure representing the universe in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism; the artform originated in India
  • Symmetrical balance - The quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis
  • Analogous colors - Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
  • Complementary colors - Two colors across from each other on the color wheel
  • Primary colors - Colors from which all other colors are made: Red, yellow and blue
  • Complementary colors - Colors made by combining two primary colors: Orange, violet and green
  • Neutral colors - Brown, tan, black, gray and white



  • Mandala examples
  • Protractors
  • Pencils and erasers
  • Square paper
  • Rulers 
  • Colored pencils or marker
  • Digital image of a Color Wheel


Instructional Design

Opening/Activating Strategy

*This strategy can be in partner and individual work. 


  • Project an image of Tibetan monks creating a sand mandala
    • First, students will identify what they see in the image. Emphasize that they should make objective observations about the mandala. 
    • Next, ask students to share their observations with a partner.
    • Project, write or say several mathematical terms such as geometric shapes, angles, fractions and symmetry. Ask students to now describe the image in these terms. 
    • Next, ask students to share their observations with a partner.
  • Facilitate a class-wide discussion around students’ observations, inferences, and questions. Draw students’ attention to how the artist uses line and shape to make the mandala (observations could include circles within circles, repeating designs, etc.).
  • Explain to students that mandala art is an art form that dates back to 500 BCE in India. 
  • Tell students that they will be creating their own mandalas using mathematical concepts.


Work Session


  • Provide students with a blank sheet of paper. Teach students how to use a protractor including the degrees, and increments shown on it.
  • Pass out a printed copy of a mandala to students (one per every two students). 
    • With a partner, have students measure and label the angles that they see in the mandala.
    • Allow students to check their work by projecting a key on the board after students have finished labeling image.
  • Tell students that they will practice using what they learned about using a protractor to create their own mandala.
  • Pass out square paper to students.
  • Demonstrate how to find the center by folding the paper into fourths. 
  • Tell students to use their rulers to draw a horizontal line through the center point of their paper. This will be the reference point for their angles. 
    • Ask students what angle this makes–students should respond with 180˚. 
  • Provide students with requirements for the angles that they should include in their mandalas, such as at least four 45˚ angles, 20 1˚ angels.



  • Once students have finished, return to the image of mandala. Ask students to describe the lines and shapes that they see. Students should notice the use of geometric shapes and that the lines and shapes create patterns.
  • Ask students to describe how symmetry is used in the design.
  • Students should then fill their mandalas with lines and shapes to create patterns (this can be an additional set of requirements–types of polygons students should use to create patterns).
    • Remind students that their mandalas should demonstrate symmetry.



  • Return to the image of the mandala one last time. Ask students to make observations about the colors. 
  • Show students an image of a Color Wheel and discuss types of color schemes: Complementary, analogous, primary, secondary and neutral. 
  • Students should then add color to their mandalas using colored pencils or markers.


Closing Reflection

  • Students should present their mandals to a partner explaining how they used pattern, shape, and angles to create it.
  • Conduct a gallery walk so that students can see how their classmates used math to create their artwork.
  • Facilitate a discussion around the process of creating mandalas and how math is used in visual art.




Teachers will assess students by observing students’ responses during mandala analysis and students’ use of a protractor during the practice session.




  • Students can use a protractor accurately to make angles. 
  • Students can use line, shape, and color to create an interesting mandala design that demonstrates symmetry and pattern.
  • Students can explain how they used math to create their mandala.




  • Incorporate numerical patterns to generate designs for mandalas.
  • Have students conduct an independent study on the history of mandalas focusing on how math is used in the design.
  • Challenge students to use fractions to create concentric squares in their design.



  • Allow students to create mandalas with a partner.
  • Instead of having students draw their own angles for the mandala, provide a template of a mandala and have students measure and record the pre-drawn angles.



*This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

 Ideas contributed by: Carolyn Stoddard. Updated by Katy Betts.

Revised and copyright:  June 2024 @ ArtsNOW

Explore Geometry with Abstract Imagery K-1



Learning Description

Delve into the abstract world of Wassily Kandinsky! Allow your imagination to soar as you discover mathematical connections within Kandinsky images that explore the relationships between geometric shapes and polygons.


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can use geometry to create original artwork inspired by Wassily Kandinsky.

Essential Questions

  • How can you utilize visual images to learn about shapes?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards


K.GSR.8 Identify, describe, and compare basic shapes encountered in the environment, and form two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures.

Grade 1: 

1.GSR.4 Compose shapes, analyze the attributes of shapes, and relate their parts to the whole.

1.GSR.4.1 Identify common two dimensional shapes and three dimensional figures, sort and classify them by their attributes and build and draw shapes that possess defining attributes.

1.GSR.4.2 Compose two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, triangles, half-circles, and quarter-circles) and three dimensional figures (cubes, rectangular prisms, cones, and cylinders) to create a shape formed of two or more common shapes and compose new shapes from the composite shape.

Arts Standards


VAK.CR.1 Engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas by using subject matter and symbols to communicate meaning

VAK.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes.

VAK.CR.3 Understand and apply media, techniques, and processes of two-dimensional art.

VAK.RE.1 Discuss personal works of art and the artwork of others to enhance visual literacy. 

VAK.CN.2 Integrate information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of works of art. 

VAK.CN.3 Develop life skills through the study and production of art (e.g. collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication).

Grade 1: 

VA1.CR.1 Engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas by using subject matter and symbols to communicate meaning

VA1.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes.

VA1.CR.3 Understand and apply media, techniques, and processes of two-dimensional art.

VA1.RE.1 Discuss personal works of art and the artwork of others to enhance visual literacy. 

VA1.CN.2 Integrate information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of works of art. 

VA1.CN.3 Develop life skills through the study and production of art (e.g. collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication).


South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards


K.G.4 Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes of different sizes and orientations using informal language. 

K.G.5 Draw two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, and circle)

Grade 1: 

1.G.4 Identify and name two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, rhombus, trapezoid, and circle)

1.G.2 Combine two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, rhombus, and trapezoid) or three-dimensional shapes (i.e., cube, rectangular prism, cone, and cylinder) in more than one way to form a composite shape.

Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 1: I can use the elements and principles of art to create artwork.

Anchor Standard 2: I can use different materials, techniques, and processes to make art.

Anchor Standard 4: I can organize work for presentation and documentation to reflect specific content, ideas, skills, and or media

Anchor Standard 5: I can interpret and evaluate the meaning of an artwork.


Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

Geometry - Branch of mathematics that deals with deduction of the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, and figures in space from their defining conditions by means of certain assumed properties of space.

Polygon - A closed plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.

Arts Vocabulary

Abstract - Process of art-making that has reference to the real world but is distorted or manipulated in some way. 

Non-objective - Process of art-making that has no reference to the real world; strictly 

composed of design elements. 

Contrast - Exhibiting unlikeness in comparison to something else. 

Line – One of the seven elements of art; a mark made by a pointed tool such as a brush pen or stick; a moving point

Shape (Geometric and Organic) – One of the seven elements of art; a flat, enclosed area that has two dimensions, length and width



  • Kandinsky prints of your choice 
  • Tag board (9” x 12” sheets) or drawing paper
  • Pencils 
  • Pastels, colored pencils, and/or tempera paint 
  • Wassily Kandinsky images


Instructional Design

Opening/Activating Strategy

  • Introduce this activity by having students look at an image of “Color Study: Squares with Concentric Circles” by Russian artist, Wassily Kandinsky.
  • Have students draw or write down as many shapes as they see in the artwork.
  • Students should turn to a partner and compare answers.


Work Session


  • Project Kandinsky’s Composition VIII and Red, Blue and Yellow (linked above in materials). Direct students to use math vocabulary and concepts to describe the shapes and polygons found within these abstract and non-objective masterpieces. Students should draw these images on sticky notes.
  • Using the sticky notes, direct students to identify shapes within these images according to size, shape, and color and sort according to the number of sides and angles.
  • Students will then create Venn diagrams that compare and contrast the two different Kandinsky prints. 
  • Next, direct students to generate their own abstract or non-objective design in the style of Kandinsky according to criteria set by the teacher. (For example, criteria might include designs housing a minimum of 10 circles that overlap, 5 straight lines, number of corners and sides, etc.) 
  • Students will then draw their shapes lightly on a tag board in pencil and embellish with bright contrasting colors using colored pencils, pastels, or tempera paint. 

Upon completion of these designs, ask students to identify shapes according to the number of sides, faces, and vertices within their compositions.  


Closing Reflection

Display students’ artwork on walls or place on tables/desks. Give students a “scavenger hunt” to find objects in each other’s artwork. Objects could include different types of shapes, lines, and angles.




  • Students will recognize and identify two-dimensional shapes and figures within a given art piece. 
  • Students will sort objects within an art piece according to size, shape, and color. 
  • Students will identify shapes according to the number of sides, faces, and vertices. 
  • Students will discover the way artists compose abstract imagery.



  • Students will create an artwork inspired by Wassily Kandinsky that demonstrates their mastery of mathematical concepts including geometry, line, and angle.
  • Students will be able to identify types of shapes, lines, and angles in each other’s artwork.



Acceleration: Instead of using basic geometric shapes, artwork requirements should include students dividing and combining shapes to create new shapes (i.e. - circle into semicircle; two triangles into rectangle, etc.).


  • Provide students with specific objects to look for in Kandinsky’s artwork. Partner students will identify shapes, lines, and angles.
  • Reduce criteria in artwork to focus on fewer shapes at a time.
  • Provide visuals with examples of each shape and its attributes for supporting students.


Wassily Kandinsky images

Types of shapes handout

*This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

 Ideas contributed by: Darby Jones and updated by Shannon Green and Katy Betts.

 Revised and copyright:  August 2022 @ ArtsNOW

Explore Time with Theater K-1



Learning Description

In this lesson, students will explore the concepts of time and sequence by acting out various activities performed at different times of the day. They will then become "Story Detectives," investigating the beginning, middle, and end of different nursery rhymes. By using theatre techniques, students will immerse themselves in the concept of sequence and time, experiencing a deeper level of learning.


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can correctly identify and sequence the activities of the day based on the time that they occur.
  • I can correctly identify and sequence the beginning, middle and end of simple stories.
  • I can use my voice and body to act out events and characters.

Essential Questions

  • How can theatre techniques be used to understand time and sequence?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards



K.PAR.6: Explain, extend, and create repeating patterns with a repetition, not exceeding 4 and describe patterns involving the passage of time.

K.PAR.6.2 Describe patterns involving the passage of time using words and phrases related to actual events.



ELAGSEKRL3 With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.

Arts Standards


TAK.CR.1 Organize, design, and refine theatrical works.


TAK.PR.1 Act by communicating and sustaining roles in formal and informal environments.


TAK.PR.2 Execute artistic and technical elements of theatre.


TAK.CN.1 Explore how theatre connects to life experience, careers, and other content.


South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards



K.MDA.3 Sort and classify data into 2 or 3 categories with data not to exceed 20 items in each category. K.MDA.4 Represent data using object and picture graphs and draw conclusions from the graphs.



READING - Literary Text

Meaning and Context

Standard 7: Analyze the relationship among ideas, themes, or topics in multiple media and formats, and in visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modalities.

7.1 With guidance and support, retell a familiar text; identify beginning, middle, and end in a text heard or read.

Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 3: I can act in improvised scenes and written scripts.

Anchor Standard 4: I can direct and organize work for a performance to reflect specific content, ideas, skills, and media.

Anchor Standard 8: I can relate theatre to other content areas, arts disciplines, and careers.


Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

  • Morning - Early/first part of the day
  • Afternoon - Daytime, between midday and evening
  • Night - Dark time between bedtime and waking
  • Beginning - The start or first part
  • Middle - Halfway between the beginning and end, center part
  • End - Final part or stop
  • Story - An account or report that tells you what is happening to someone or something with a beginning, middle and an end

Arts Vocabulary

  • Theater - Dramatic literature or its performance; drama
  • Character - A person, an animal or other figure assuming human qualities, in a story
  • Voice – An actor’s tool, which we shape and change to portray the way a character speaks or sounds
  • Body – An actor’s tool, which we shape and change to portray the way a character looks, walks, or moves
  • Improvisation - A creation that is spoken or written without prior preparation




Instructional Design

Opening/Activating Strategy

Classroom Tips: This activity works best in an open space with room for students to move. Review audience etiquette and expectations before students perform for their classmates.


  • Start with a general physical warm-up to get the students' bodies ready. Use exercises such as:
    • Stretching: Stretch all major muscle groups.
    • Shaking Out Limbs: Shake out arms, legs, and the whole body to release tension.
    • Energy Passes: Stand in a circle and pass a clap or a simple motion around to build group focus and energy.
  • Explain that students will explore different characters using movement and sound Use simple prompts to get students thinking about different ways to move. Call out various types of characters and ask students to walk around the space embodying those characters. Examples include:
    • A bird searching for a worm to eat
    • A tree blowing in the wind
    • A hungry lion
    • A happy dog
  • Next, ask students to add sound to their characters. Allow time for students to move around the room as the characters, using their bodies and voices.
  • Have students return to the carpet; ask them to share what it was like to use their voices and bodies to become someone else.


Work Session

My Day Play

  • Ask students what comes to their minds when you say the following words: morning, afternoon and night.
  • Ask students what the beginning, middle and end of the day is called (morning, afternoon and night).
  • Display visuals with morning/afternoon/night written on them while discussing that particular time of day.
  • When finished, tape the visuals on the wall to designate that area for that time of day in the following exercise.
  • Ask students to tell you what activities are done at different times of the day.
    • Show visuals of some activities performed at different times of the day. [Note: Have visuals stacked in groups by the three times of the day.]
      • Morning (ex: brushing teeth, sun rising, rooster crowing, eating breakfast, getting on the school bus)
      • Afternoon (ex: eating lunch in the cafeteria at school, playing outside with friends, getting off the school bus at home)
      • Night (ex: eating dinner, putting on pajamas, going to bed, looking at the stars)
  • Say to students, “Now we are going to bring these activities to life using sound and movement. When I call out an activity, you will start acting like you are doing it. When I say freeze, you will stop all sound and movement. Ready. Set. Go!”.
    • Call out “eating breakfast” and let the students perform. Follow up with asking what time of day that activity happens.
    • Repeat the process calling out at least three different activities, one from each of the three times of day.
    • Ask three students to come to the front of the room. Have each student pick one activity from one of the times of day. All three times of the day should be represented.
    • Ask each student, one at a time, to show you his/her activity using sound and movement.
    • Now ask another student to come up and play the director. Ask the director to put the three students in order from beginning, middle and end of the day when the students bring their activity to life.
    • Continue until every student gets to perform or direct.


Story Detectives 

  • Tell the students, ”We just talked about our days having a beginning, middle and an end.”
  • Say, “What else in our lives has a beginning, middle and end?”.
    • Trains (front car, middle cars and caboose)
    • Games (we set them up, play them and then put them away)
    • School (arrive/bell rings, class/lunch/recess, bell rings/go home)
  • Ask the class, “Do stories that we read and tell have a beginning, middle and end?”.
  • Ask the class, “What is a story?” A story usually tells about what happens to someone or something with a beginning, middle and an end.
  • Place the three cards (beginning, middle and end) on the wall.
  • Say, “We can always figure out what happens at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a story. Are nursery rhymes stories?”.
  • Read “Humpty Dumpty” aloud while holding up a visual: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.
    • Read Humpty Dumpty one more time and tell the students to become Humpty by using their bodies and arms.
  • Tell students, “I need some help today. Do you think you could be detectives? What does a detective do? He/she investigates something. I need to find the beginning, middle and end of some nursery rhymes that you might know. We are going to be Beginning, Middle and End Detectives.”
  • Have the students pretend to take out their magnifying glasses and put on their detective hats.
  • Read “Humpty Dumpty” aloud again while holding up the visual of the story.
    • Ask, “What happened at the beginning of the story? Humpty sat on a wall.”
    • “What happened in the middle of the story? Humpty fell off the wall.”
    • “What happened at the end of the story? Humpty was broken and could be fixed by his horsemen.”
  • Repeat this process with “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and “Jack and Jill”.
    • Read “Itsy Bitsy Spider” aloud while holding up the visual and follow-up with questions. The Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the waterspout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, And the Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the spout again.
    • Read “Jack and Jill” aloud while holding up the visual and follow-up with questions. Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after.
  • Ask three students to come to the front of the room. Have each student pick one activity from one of the three parts of the nursery rhyme. All three parts of the story should be represented.
  • Ask each student, one at a time, to show you their activity using sound and movement.
  • Now ask for another student to come up and play the director. Ask the director to put the three students in the order from beginning, middle and end of the nursery rhyme when the students performing the activities come to life.
  • Continue until every student gets to perform or direct.


Closing Reflection

  • Close the lesson with reflection questions. Ask students to connect the concept of beginning, middle and end to the different parts of the day–morning, afternoon and night. Ask students how our days are like stories.
  • Pass out paper with three sections–morning/beginning, afternoon/middle and night/end. Have students draw and label a picture showing one activity that occurs at each time of day. Have students write a “story” at the bottom of the paper saying what happens at the beginning of the day, what happens at the middle, and what happens at the end of the day.




Teachers will assess students’ understanding of the content throughout the lesson by observing students’ participation in the activator, discussion of time of day and parts of a story, participation and contributions in My Day Play and Story Detectives, and conferencing during the writing process.




  • Students can correctly identify and sequence the activities of the day based on the time that they occur.
  • Students can correctly identify and sequence the beginning, middle and end of simple stories.
  • Students can use their voices and bodies to act out events and characters.



Acceleration: Provide students with a story that is out of order. Students will determine the appropriate order and rearrange the story to make logical sense. The student will pick one activity from each section of the story (beginning, middle, and end) to represent and perform through movement.

Remediation: Begin with one nursery rhyme. Provide a sound and movement and encourage students to match it with the correct beginning, middle or end illustration of the nursery rhyme. Discuss student choices. Repeat with each section of the rhyme. Assess students by determining if they can accurately identify the beginning, middle and end of a nursery rhyme by providing the correct movement as the section is read.

ESOL Modifications and Adaptations: Introduce vocabulary and discuss what activities happen for each of the following words: morning, afternoon, night, beginning, middle and end. Have picture cards of different activities that happen during different times of the day. Students can perform the activity as the cards/pictures are shown. For the nursery rhymes, make should they have cards/pictures that illustrate the nursery rhyme for students to put in sequence order.

WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards 

Standard 1: English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting.

Standard 3: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics.

Standard 4: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science.

*This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

Ideas contributed by: Susie Spear Purcell Modifications, Extensions, and Adaptations Contributed by: Peggy Barnes, Candy Bennett, Lindsey Elrod, Jennifer ​​Plummer, and Vilma Thomas. Updated by: Katy Betts.

Revised and copyright: July 2024 @ ArtsNOW


Exploring Plane Figures Through Music Composition 2-3



Learning Description

In this lesson, students will compose speeches to demonstrate their understanding of plane figures and perform them using body percussion in rondo form as whole-class composition.


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can create and accurately perform an original speech composition about a plane figure and perform it in rondo form.
  • I can create and accurately perform a body percussion ostinato.

Essential Questions

  • How can music composition help us understand mathematical concepts?
  • What is rondo form in music?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 2:


2.GSR.7: Draw and partition shapes and other objects with specific attributes and conduct observations of everyday items and structures to identify how shapes exist in the world.

2.GSR.7.1 Describe, compare and sort 2-D shapes including polygons, triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and 3-D shapes including rectangular prisms and cones, given a set of attributes.



ELAGSE2W2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.


Grade 3:


3.GSR.6: Identify the attributes of polygons, including parallel segments, perpendicular segments, right angles, and symmetry.

3.GSR.6.1 Identify perpendicular line segments, parallel line segments, and right angles, identify these in polygons, and solve problems involving parallel line segments, perpendicular line segments, and right angles.



ELAGSE3W2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. 

  1. Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. 
  2. Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details. 
  3. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) to connect ideas within categories of information. 
  4. Provide a concluding statement or section.

Arts Standards

Grade 2:

ESGM2.PR.1b. Echo simple singing and speech patterns.

ESGM2.PR.2b. Perform steady beat and simple rhythmic patterns with appropriate technique using body percussion and classroom instruments.

ESGM2.RE.1 Listen to, analyze, and describe music.


Grade 3:

ESGM3.PR.1b. Echo simple singing and speech patterns and perform call and response songs.

ESGM3.PR.2b. Perform steady beat and simple rhythmic patterns with appropriate technique using body percussion and classroom instruments.

ESGM3.RE.1 Listen to, analyze, and describe music.



South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards

Grade 2:


2.G.1 Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, hexagons, and cubes. Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number of angles or a given number of equal faces.



WRITING - Meaning, Context, and Craft

Standard 2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

2.1 Explore print and multimedia sources to write informative/explanatory texts that introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.


Grade 3:


3.G.1 Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombus, rectangle, square, and other 4-sided shapes) may share attributes (e.g., 4-sided figures) and the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilateral). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.



WRITING - Meaning, Context, and Craft

Standard 2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

2.1 Write informative/explanatory texts that: 

  1. introduce a topic clearly; 
  2. use relevant information from multiple print and multimedia sources; 
  3. provide a general observation and focus; 
  4. group related information logically; 
  5. develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic; k. use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform or explain the topic

Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 1: I can arrange and compose music.

Anchor Standard 3: I can sing alone and with others.

Anchor Standard 6: I can analyze music.


Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

  • Plane figure - A flat, closed figure that is in a plane; may be composed of straight lines, curved lines, or both 
  • Vertices - A vertex (plural: vertices) is a point where two or more lines, edges, or rays meet
  • Polygon - A geometric shape that has more than two sides


Arts Vocabulary

  • Rondo - A form of composition in which the first section recurs throughout the piece, alternating with different sections (e.g., A-B-A-C-A, etc.); found especially in compositions of the Baroque and Classical eras
  • Ostinato - A repeated pattern (plural: ostinati)
  • Body Percussion - Sounds produced by striking or scraping parts of the body; typically includes snapping, clapping, patting, and stamping
  • Phrase - Musical sentence or unit, commonly a  passage of four or eight measures; a dependent division of music, much like a single line of poetry in that it does not have a sense of completion in itself



  • Plane figure cards (individual cards with one figure on each) 
  • Large paper and markers 
  • Visual of four 8-beat phrases
  • Visual of text for section A of the rondo to be displayed after chant is learned
  • Sound source (iPod, iPhone, computer, speakers, etc.) 
  • Recording of musical composition in rondo form (or create your own using found sounds or body percussion)


Instructional Design

Opening/Activating Strategy

  • Perform two sounds, some of which are the same (e.g., clap-clap) and some of which are different (e.g., tap-clap). 
  • Have students identify what they hear as the same or different. 
    • Explain that students will be focusing on hearing parts that are the same and parts that are different.
  • Play a musical composition in rondo form, challenging students to listen for repeated sections. 
    • To help students hear the same and different sections, you may want to have them keep the beat one place for the A sections, a different place for the B section, and a different place for the C section (e.g., A = pat legs, B = clap, C = tap shoulders).
  • Identify the form heard in composition as rondo form. Use letters to help students understand the same and different sections (e.g., A B A C A). Explain that students will now become composers of their own piece to illustrate rondo form.


Work Session

  • Have students establish a simple 2- or 4-beat body percussion ostinato (e.g., pat-clap or pat-clap-clap-clap). 
  • While students perform the body percussion ostinato, teach the following chant by rote (teacher speaks, students echo). You may also want to have a visual displayed to aid reading. 


Plane figures are around us everyday. 

Just count the sides and angles to see what’s on display. 

Vertices and angle size, they’re important too, 

So let’s gather ‘round and see what you can do! 


  • To facilitate student success in learning the chant aurally, begin by speaking the entire chant, then speak the first phrase (first 8 beats) and have students echo. 
  • Continue speaking each phrase and having students echo. 
  • Then combine two phrases (16 beats) and have students echo. 
  • Once students are comfortable with 8- and 16-beat phrases, speak the entire chant. 
    • This becomes the A section of the class composition. 

*Teacher note: If maintaining the body percussion ostinato while saying the chant is too difficult, have one group perform the ostinato while the other group speaks.

  • Analyze the structure of the chant (32 beats long with the last word on the last beat 7). A visual such as follows may be helpful in guiding students’ analysis. 

  • To help students understand the chant’s length and structure, point to each number while speaking the chant. 
  • Analyze the rhyme scheme of the chant, marking on the visual of the chant to          facilitate understanding. 
    • Teachers may want to use one color marker for “everyday” and “display” and a different color marker for “too” and “do.”
  • Divide students into small groups. Give each group a card with a plane figure on it. 
    • Have students create a chant about their plane figure (rectangle, triangle, square, trapezoid, quadrilateral, hexagon, etc.). 
      • Their chant should be the same length and use the same rhyme scheme as the A section (e.g., 4 phrases of 8 beats each; rhyming words at the end of phrases 1 and 2; different rhyming words at the end of phrases 3 and 4).
      • Have ample space in the room so student groups can move far enough apart during the creating process to enable careful listening and minimize distraction from other groups. 
      • Have students write their chants (text only) on large paper. Writing their composition in 4 lines may facilitate understanding of the 4 phrases. 
    • Combine compositions with the original chant to create a rondo form. The original chant is the A section while the student creations become the alternating sections.


Closing Reflection

  • Have students find a “rondo” pattern in the classroom (e.g., poster - wall - poster - window - poster = A B A C A). 
  • Have students describe rondo form in their own words. 
  • Challenge students to find other examples of rondo form in music.





Teachers will assess students’ learning by observing students’ engagement and participation while the class identifies the same and different sections of music, performs a body percussion ostinato to accompany speech, identifies the rhyme scheme of a chant, and creates sentences and say them over 8 beats.




  • Students can create and accurately perform an original speech composition about a plane figure using the prescribed form. 
  • Students can create and accurately perform a body percussion ostinato to accompany the speech composition.





  • Have students record their creations. 
  • Have students create additional sections about different plane figures.
  • Challenge students to create and notate simple melodies for their text. 
  • Have students listen to music in rondo form to discern the different sections. 
  • Have students transfer their spoken text to body percussion (e.g., clap the rhythm of the words rather than speaking the words).
  • Experiment with and discuss various textures in music. For example, have half the students maintain the ostinato while the other group performs their chant on body percussion; then have only the chant performed on body percussion. Discuss what happens to the texture as other parts are added or deleted.
  • To connect to dance, have students create movement compositions to share while they say their chant.


    • Rather than creating a rondo, have students work together to create one section about a plane figure. The form then becomes A B A (with the A section being the chant initially presented and the B section being the newly created chant).
    • If writing a 32-beat chant is too challenging, use the first half of the chant as the A section, thereby making the chant 16 beats long. Alternating sections then will be 16 beats long (rather than 32 beats).  
    • If keeping the body percussion ostinato on two levels (pat-clap) is challenging, have students keep the beat on one level (e.g., pat legs).


  • Websites such as rhymezone.com may be helpful in finding rhyming words.
  • Short pieces in rondo form include “Fossils” by Camille Saint-Saens (ABACA), “La Raspa” (ABACADA), “Für Elise” by Ludwig van Beethoven (ABACA), “Rondo alla Turca” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and “The Entertainer” by Scott Joplin (Introduction ABACA).
  • YouTube includes recordings of music that also show the rondo form.
  • Rondo Form video 


*This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

Ideas contributed by and updated by: Maribeth Yoder-White 

Revised and copyright:  June 2024 @ ArtsNOW