Rhyming Animals



Learning Description

Students will learn about rhyming families by creating “cut-outs” of animals inspired by the artist, Henri Matisse, combined with a rhyming word.


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can create rhymes using Matisse-inspired cut-outs.

Essential Questions

  • How can I create a rhyme using Matisse-inspired cut-outs?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards


ELAGSEKRF2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).

ELAGSEKSL1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

ELAGSEKSL4 Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.


ELAGSE1RF2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).

ELAGSE1SL1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

ELAGSE1SL4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly.

Arts Standards

Kindergarten & Grade 1:

VAK.CR.1 Engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas by using subject matter and symbols to communicate meaning.

VAK&1.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes.

VAK&1.CR.3 Understand and apply media, techniques, and processes of two-dimensional art.

VAK&1.RE.1 Discuss personal works of art and the artwork of others to enhance visual literacy. 

VAK&1.CN.3 Develop life skills through the study and production of art (e.g. collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication).


South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards


K.I.1.1 Engage in daily opportunities for play and exploration to foster a sense of curiosity, develop the disposition of inquisitiveness, and begin to verbally articulate “I wonders” about ideas of interest.

K.RL.2.1 Recognize and produce rhyming words

K.C.MC.1.1 Explore and create meaning through play, conversation, drama, and storytelling.

K.C.MC.3.2 Use appropriate props, images, or illustrations to support verbal communication.

Grade 1:  

1.I.1.1 Translate “wonderings” into questions that lead to group conversations, explorations, and investigations.

1.RL.9.1 Identify the literary devices of rhythm, repetitive language, and simile and sound devices of rhyme, onomatopoeia, and alliteration; explain how the author uses each. 

1.C.MC.1.1 Explore and create meaning through conversation, drama, questioning, and story-telling. 

1.C.MC.3.1 Explore and compare how ideas and topics are depicted in a variety of media and formats.

Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 1: I can use the elements and principles of art to create artwork.

Anchor Standard 2: I can use different materials, techniques, and processes to make art.

Anchor Standard 3: I can improve and complete artistic work using elements and principles.

Anchor Standard 4: I can organize work for presentation and documentation to reflect specific content, ideas, skills, and or media.


Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

Rhyme – Words that have the same middle sound.

Arts Vocabulary

Geometric shape – One of the seven elements of art; a two-dimensional object such as a square, triangle, or circle.

Cut-outs/collage - An image created using a combination of pieces of paper or images.



  • Construction paper
  • Glue sticks
  • A variety of geometric shapes such as circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles


Instructional Design

Opening/Activating Strategy

  • Show students an image of Henri Matisse’s, The Horse, the Rider, and the Clown. Ask students to find things that they recognize in this image (colors, shapes, etc.).
  • Tell students that they will be learning about how the artist, Henri Matisse, created this artwork using paper and scissors.
  • Explain to students that there are different kinds of shapes in art:  geometric, organic, and free-form. Show students the different types of shapes.
  • Ask students to practice creating geometric shapes using their hands or arms.
  • Ask students to identify the types of shapes in Matisse’s, The Horse, the Rider, and the Clown.


Work Session

  • Explain that the artist, Henri Matisse, created images by cutting out pieces of paper and putting them together to make images. 
  • Show students several examples of Matisse’s cut-outs.
  • Show students Matisse’s, The Snail, as an example. Ask students if they can see the snail in the image.
  • Tell students that they will be creating cut-outs like Matisse that combine an animal with a rhyming word.
  • Go over a family of words that rhyme with an animal such as a cat, dog, frog, etc.
  • Show students how to use geometric shapes to create an animal. 
  • Ask students to combine the animal with a word that it rhymes with to create a cut-out like Matisse.

Closing Reflection

  • Ask students to write the two words that they showed in their artwork (i.e. cat and hat) in a complete sentence with correct grammar, such as “The cat wears a hat.” 
  • Students will conduct a gallery walk to see each other’s artwork and see the different words that their animal rhymes with.




  • Student discussion of rhyming families
  • Student identification of a word that rhymes with the given animal



  • Student “cut-outs” of animal and word that it rhymes with - student artwork should demonstrate that students understand that some words have the same median sounds.



Acceleration: Students should come up with their own animal and a word that it rhymes with instead of the provided animal and words that it rhymes with to create their artwork.

Remediation: Provide students with the animal and the word that it rhymes with; after students have created this artwork, ask them to identify another word that rhymes with the animal and the word it rhymes with. Ask students to add this word to their artwork.


Rhyming Animals presentation 

Types of Shapes handout

Optional supporting text: Henri’s Scissors by Jeanette Winter

*This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

 Ideas contributed by:  Katy Betts

 Revised and copyright:  September 2023 @ ArtsNOW

Seussical Rhyme Scenes K-1



Learning Description

It’s Rhyme Time!  Using sections of Dr. Seuss’s Hop on Pop, students will identify families of rhyming words and use them, with guidance, to create and enact simple story sequences.


Learning Targets


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"I Can" Statements

“I Can…”

  • I can identify rhyming words and put them together into simple stories to act out.
  • I can use my voice and body to act out simple stories.

Essential Questions

  • What are rhymes?
  • How can we identify rhyming words and use them in drama activities?


Georgia Standards

Curriculum Standards


ELAGSEKRF2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).a. Recognize and produce rhyming words.


ELAGSE1RF2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds.

Arts Standards

Kindergarten & Grade 1:

TA.CR.2 Develop scripts through theatrical techniques.

TA.PR.1 Act by communicating and sustaining roles in formal and informalenvironments.


South Carolina Standards

Curriculum Standards


K.RL.9.1 With guidance and support, identify the literary devices of repetitive language and the sound devices of rhyme, onomatopoeia, and alliteration; identify when the author uses each. 

Grade 1:  

1.RL.9.1 Identify the literary devices of rhythm, repetitive language, and simile and sound devices of rhyme, onomatopoeia, and alliteration; explain how the author uses each.

Arts Standards

Anchor Standard 1: I can create scenes and write scripts using story elements and structure. 


Key Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

Rhyme – the repetition of similar sounds in the final stressed syllables and any following syllables of two or more words.

Arts Vocabulary

Act – to pretend to be or do something imaginary.

Voice - an actor’s tool, which we shape and change to portray the way a character speaks or sounds.

Body – an actor’s tool, which we shape and change to portray the way a character looks, walks, or moves.



  • Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss
  • Small dry erase boards and markers or clipboards with paper, and writing utensils


Instructional Design

Opening/Activating Strategy

“The Name Game” song – play and/or teach the classic 1964 song by Shirley Ellis (video and audio versions available online)

     “Katie, Katie, bo-batie,

     Bonana-fanna fo-fatie

     Fee fi mo-matie


Sing the song with several students’ names.

Introduce or review the concept and definition of rhyming words. “What is a rhyme?  How did we make rhymes with our friends’ names?”


Work Session

  • Introduce Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss. Assess student familiarity with the book.
  • Do a read-aloud of the book.
  • Ask students to recall some rhyming words from the book.  If necessary, walk back through the book to review rhyming words.
  • Re-read the two-page section with the -op rhymes:



We like to hop.

We like to hop

on top of Pop.


You must not

hop on Pop.

  • Brainstorm movements to add to the short poem.  (Drama Instruction)  Discuss using body to hop, to pretend to be Pop, to indicate ‘top,’ and to issue the command to ‘Stop’.  Take suggestions and encourage a variety of possibilities for each.
  • Enact the “Hop on Pop” poem as a short scene with the movements.  (Drama Instruction)  Discuss using voices to say the words with energy and feeling.  Take suggestions on how to say each part.  Practice saying the entire poem together with expression while enacting it.
  • Brainstorm additional rhymes in the -op family (e.g., hop, crop, cop, drop, flop, flip-flop, hip-hop, lop, mop, plop, prop, shop, slop, swap, bee-bop, lollipop, bebop).
  • Take student ideas to create an expanded story for the -op rhyme family.  (E.g., “I drop the slop!  It goes plop.  I go to the shop.  I buy a mop.  I mop the slop,” or “I put on my flip-flop.  I listen to hip-hop.  I bebop to the pool.  I do a bellyflop.  The cop gives me a lollipop.”)  Note: Though it will have rhymes, it need not be a poem, per se, with rhythm and end-rhymes.  Develop gestures and enact the expanded story, saying it with expression.


  • Explore other passages of the book, and brainstorm additional rhymes together. Write them on dry erase or clipboards (leaving space on the boards for further writing ahead).


            Song, long, wrong, thong, gong, King-Kong, ding-dong, strong, singalong

            Red, bed, head, fed, bread, sled, shed, newlywed

            Pat, bat, sat, hat, cat, rat, flat, brat, mat, gnat, acrobat

            Thing, sing, wing, ring, king, bring, cling, cha-ching, sting, nothing

            Night, fight, light, kite, bite, right, tight, fright, delight, might, write, flight, knight

            Brown, down, town, crown, clown, frown, gown 

            Wet, get, let, pet, bet, jet, net, vet, yet, set, barrette, Corvette

            Possibility:  Use rhymes not in the book, such as friend/bend/send/etc. 

  • Divide the class into small working groups and give each group one of the boards with a rhyme family.  Have them create a short scene and enactment with the rhyming words.  They must use at least 4 words, and they must act out each of the words in their enactment using their bodies.  Have them write their scene text on the board; assist as needed.
  • Have the groups practice their rhyme scenes, reciting their text with expression.  Then have each group share with the rest of the class.

Closing Reflection

Reflect on the process:  What are rhymes?  How did we use rhymes to make simple scenes?  How did we use our bodies and voices to act out our scenes?  What do you think Dr. Seuss would have said if he could have seen our rhyme scenes?




    • Note how well the students are able to identify rhymes from the book. 
    • Note the students’ ability to add new rhyming words to a rhyme family; note missteps and how they respond when redirected (e.g., ‘‘clock’ is not a rhyme for ‘hop’ – who can explain why?’)
    • Observe how students suggest movements for the scenes. 
    • Observe how students work together in their groups.



    Have each student write (or tell) 3 groups of words that rhyme from our rhyming scenes today, with at least three words in each group.  If needed, provide the rhyme endings (e.g., -at, -ing, -own).




    • Provide each group with a rhyme ending not included in the book, and have them brainstorm the rhymes on their own, providing support and guidance as needed.
    • Increase the number of rhyme words the group must incorporate into their scene.


    • Do the entire lesson in the full class, without dividing into smaller groups.
    • Limit the number of rhyming words in the spoken text, and the complexity of the text.


    Other rhyme-based Dr. Seuss books, such as One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

    *This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

     Ideas contributed by:  Barry Stewart Mann

    Revised and copyright:  August 2022 @ ArtsNOW

    Carnival of the Animals K-1



    Learning Description

    Students will expand knowledge about music vocabulary through exploration of The Carnival of the Animals, composed by Camille Saint-Saëns. Students will be able to use key music terms in discussions with their peers and in persuasive writing.


    Learning Targets


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    "I Can" Statements

    “I Can…”

    • I can use musical vocabulary to describe music I hear.

    • I can use musical vocabulary to share my opinion about music.

    Essential Questions

    • How can you write to describe and share your opinion about music you hear?


    Georgia Standards

    Curriculum Standards


    ELAGSEKW1 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are “writing” about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is…).


    Grade 1: 

    ELAGSE1W1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or the name of the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.


    WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards:

    Standard 1: English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. 

    Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.


    Arts Standards


    MKGM.6: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.

    MKGM.10: Moving, alone and with others, to a varied repertoire of music.


    Grade 1:

    M1GM.6: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.

    M1GM.10: Moving, alone and with others, to a varied repertoire of music.




    South Carolina Standards

    Curriculum Standards


    Standard 1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. 

    1.1 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to state the topic and communicate an opinion about it.


    Grade 1:

    Standard 1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. 

    1.1 Explore print and multimedia sources to write opinion pieces that introduce the topic, state an opinion, give a reason for the opinion, and provide a sense of closure.



    Arts Standards

    Anchor Standard 6: I can analyze music.

    Benchmark GM.R NL.6 I can identify contrasts in music.

    Benchmark GM.R NM.6 I can identify the elements of music. 


    Anchor Standard 7: I can evaluate music.

    GM.R NL.7.1 I can listen and respond to music.



    Key Vocabulary

    Content Vocabulary

    • Opinion writing - A form of writing in which the author expresses their personal views or opinions on a particular topic or issue; it is characterized by the use of persuasive language and supporting arguments to convey the author's stance

    Arts Vocabulary

    • Tone color (Timbre) - The quality of sound; component of a sound that causes different instruments to sound different from each other
    • Pitch - Relative highness or lowness of a tone in relation to other tones
    • Tempo - The speed at which a music piece is performed
    • Dynamics - Volume of sound (loudness, quietness)

    Movement - A self-contained part of a musical composition or musical form



      • Recording of The Carnival of the Animals composed by Camille Saint-Saëns
      • Book illustrating The Carnival of the Animals
      • Writing paper
      • Chart paper
      • Marker
      • Large pictures of each animal
      • Pencils
      • Pitched percussion instruments (xylophone, tone bars, etc)



      Instructional Design

      Opening/Activating Strategy

      • As a group, have students brainstorm animals they might find at a carnival. If needed, project an image of a carnival for students.
      • Discuss what a carnival is and what animals you might see there. 
      • Have students turn and talk to their neighbor to discuss their favorite animal.


      Work Session

        • Have a recording preset to use the selections of The Carnival of the Animals you want students to hear. Place the large pictures of the animals on chart paper and hang up for students to see.
        • Have students sit in a circle on the floor.
        • Discuss that music has different qualities, including timbre, pitch, tempo, and dynamics. 
          • For example, small animals such as a bird or frog may make soft, high-pitched, thin or shrill sounds, while larger animals like an alligator may make loud, low-pitched, thick or rumbling sounds.
          • Play two different sounds that demonstrate the difference in high and low pitch (use pitched percussion instruments or recordings of pitched percussion instruments if possible).
          • Discuss the sounds that animals make using these musical terms. Playing audio clips may be helpful. 
        • After the students understand the different types of sound, play the first selection from The Carnival of the Animals.
        • Have students stand under the picture of the animal that they think matches the sounds. 
          • Have students move like the animal would move. 
          • Ask students to explain why they chose the animal that they did.
          • Ask students to describe the music using the terms timbre, pitch, tempo, and dynamics; write the words students say on chart paper.
        • After the animal has been identified, read the passage of the book that matches the animal and discuss qualities of the animal that are illustrated by the music.
        • Repeat this process for the other animals.
        • When all the music has been played, tell students to select their favorite animal from the music and book, The Carnival of the Animals
          • Kindergarten will use a combination of drawing, dictating and writing to convey their opinions. Encourage students to support their opinion with one to two reasons why they chose that animal.
          • First grade will convey their opinions through writing. Students should be sure to provide closure to their writing after they have stated their opinions and at least one reason for their opinions.
          • Students should use at least one musical term (timbre, pitch, tempo, and/or dynamics) in their opinion writing.


        Closing Reflection

        Allow students to share their opinions with the class. Establish agreed-upon guidelines for sharing and listening.



        Teachers will assess students’ understanding by observing students’ responses during class discussion, students’ identification of the animals in The Carnival of the Animals using musical vocabulary, and students’ discussion of their favorite animals and reasons for their opinions.





        • Students can use musical vocabulary to describe music they hear.
        • Students can use musical vocabulary to share their opinions about music through drawing, dictating, and writing.




        • Students can choose a new animal and create a musical composition to represent its characteristics using musical vocabulary.
        • Once students have picked their favorite animal from The Carnival of Animals, they will conduct research (through internet or book resources) to gather factual information about their animal to include in their opinion writing. Gifted Assessments Students will use mechanics to develop persuasive writing that includes facts and opinions.


        • ESOL Modifications and Adaptations: ESOL teachers will conduct a mini lesson on opinions and persuasion, allowing students to role play (ex: persuading their parents for an extra cookie or staying up later on a school night).

        • Special Education Modifications and Adaptations: Ask each student to name their favorite animal from the story. Record responses using a tally chart and ask students to identify the animal with the greatest number of votes. Work in small groups or as a whole to list attributes of the animal with the greatest amount of votes. Correlate the attributes to the musical vocabulary and then use the attributes to write or dictate two to three sentences about the animal.



        • Recordings and illustrated books of The Carnival of the Animals are commercially available. One example is Saint-Saens, C. & Turner, B. C. (1998). Carnival of the animals. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Co. 
        • Audio recordings of the various movements are available through streaming online music sites like http:// www.grooveshark.com (search: Carnival of the Animals).
        • Full recording and descriptions of each of the 14 movements: http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
        • The Carnival of the Animals Animal Sound Clips from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: http://www.fws.gov/video/sound.html
        • Ballet company performances of The Carnival of the Animals: http://YouTube.com.

        *This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

        Ideas contributed by: Sandi Evans. Modifications, Extensions, and Adaptations Contributed by: Peggy Barnes, Candy Bennett, Lindsey Elrod, Jennifer Plummer, and Vilma Thomas. Reviewed by Emily Threlkeld. Updated by Maribeth Yoder-White.

        Revised and copyright:  June 2024 @ ArtsNOW


        Cause and Effect Commotion 2-3



        Learning Description

        Instilling a strong understanding of “cause and effect” will increase students’ reading comprehension skills. By acting out “cause and effect” situations, students will deepen the foundation of this important concept.


        Learning Targets

        GRADE BAND: 2-3

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        "I Can" Statements

        “I Can…”

        • I can identify the “cause” and “effect” in various scenarios.

        • I can create a sentence to demonstrate my understanding of cause and effect.

        • I can act out a cause and effect relationship.

        Essential Questions

        • How can movement be used to demonstrate our knowledge of cause and effect events?

        • How will understanding cause and effect help in reading comprehension?


        Georgia Standards

        Curriculum Standards

        Grade 2:

        ELAGSE2RI3 Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.


        Grade 3:

        ELAGSE3RI3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.


        ELAGSE3RI8 Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text (e.g., comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a sequence).

        Arts Standards

        Grade 2:

        TA2.PR.1 Act by communicating and sustaining roles in formal and informal environments

        TA2.CN.1 Explore how theatre connects to life experience, careers, and other content.


        Grade 3: 

        TA3.PR.1 Act by communicating and sustaining roles in formal and informal environments

        TA3.CN.1 Explore how theatre connects to life experience, careers, and other content.


        South Carolina Standards

        Curriculum Standards

        Grade 2: 

        READING - Informational Text

        Language, Craft, and Structure 

        Standard 8: Interpret and analyze the author’s use of words, phrases, text features, conventions, and structures, and how their relationships shape meaning and tone in print and multimedia texts. 

        8.1 Identify how the author uses words, phrases, illustrations, and photographs to inform, explain, or describe.


        Grade 3:

        READING - Informational Text

        Language, Craft, and Structure 

        Standard 8: Interpret and analyze the author’s use of words, phrases, text features, conventions, and structures, and how their relationships shape meaning and tone in print and multimedia texts. 

        8.1 Explain how the author uses words and phrases to inform, explain, or describe.

        Arts Standards

        Anchor Standard 3: I can act in improvised scenes and written scripts.

        Anchor Standard 8: I can relate theatre to other content areas, arts disciplines, and careers.


        Key Vocabulary

        Content Vocabulary

        • Cause - Why something happens; what happens in a given situation 


        • Effect - What happens; the result of what happens in a given situation 


        • Cause and effect - A relationship that writers use to show how facts, events, or concepts happen or come into being because of other facts, events or concepts

        • Signal words - Words that are often used in sentences or stories to show cause and effect relationships (because, so and therefore)

        Arts Vocabulary

        • Improvisation - The practice of creating and performing scenes, dialogue, and actions spontaneously, without a script

        • Pantomime - A performance where the story is told through expressive physical movements and gestures



        • Trash can 
        • Pencil 
        • Balloon
        • Needle
        • Word visuals (cause, effect, because)
        • Masking tape
        • Sentence card visuals


        Instructional Design

        Opening/Activating Strategy

        Classroom Tip: This activity works best in an open space with room for students to move. 



        • Demonstrate the following actions to get students’ attention:
          • Gently kick a trash can. Let it fall to the ground. Ask students, “What just happened? Why did the trash can fall?” (The trash can fell because I kicked it.)
          • Hold a pencil in your hand high in the air. Drop the pencil. Ask students, “What just happened? Why did the pencil fall?” (The pencil fell because I let go of it.)
          • Blow up a balloon. Tie it. Prick it with a needle. Ask students, “What just happened? Why did the balloon blow up?” (The balloon blew up because I breathed air into it.) “What else happened? Why did the balloon pop?” (The balloon popped because I pricked it with a needle.) 
          • Walk around the room and safely trip over a desk and fall to the floor. “What just happened? Why did I fall down?” (I fell down because I tripped over the desk.) 

        Say, “When I tripped, it caused me to fall down. When I dropped the pencil, what did it cause? When I puffed air into the balloon, what did it cause? When I kicked the trash can, what did it cause? Each thing I did caused an effect (or something else) to happen. That’s ‘cause and effect’ and it is all around us all day long!”.


        Work Session


        • Ask students, “Have any of you ever driven a car? Why can’t you drive a car? (because you don’t have your license) Would you like to?” 
        • Say, “Well, today I am giving each of you a special license to drive your own imaginary car. Sound fun? Okay. Let’s go!”
        • Tell students to imagine a car in front of them. Tell them to open the door to a car. Pause. Ask students, “Why did the door open?” (because we pulled the handle).
        • Say, “Now sit in the driver’s seat of the car and put on your seatbelt. Let me hear you buckle it”.
        • Ask students, “How do we start the car?” Put the key into the ignition, push a button, etc. Tell students, “Turn the key. What happened when we turned the key?” (the car started). “Why did the car start?” (because we turned the key in the ignition).
        • Say, “Okay…let’s drive around for a little bit. Where would you like to go? The movies? Let’s go. Take a right. Oh wow. I just saw that we are low on gas, so we’ll have to stop by the gas station and get some gas first”. 
        • Say, “I see a big red light up there. What does that mean? Stop. Yikes! Let’s all stop. How do we stop? What causes the car to stop?” (putting my foot on the brake). 
        • Say, “Okay, let’s all put our foot on the brake at the same time when I say three. 1, 2, 3”.
        • Say, “Now the light turned green. What does that mean?” (go). All right, let’s put our foot on the gas on the count of 3. 1, 2, 3…Uh oh. Our cars won’t move. Let’s try it again. 1, 2, 3. Now it’s shaking and sputtering and it just stops. Let me see your car shake and sputter. OH NO! What happened? Does anyone know why it won’t move? (because it ran out of gas). Oh well! I guess we better get out and walk to the movie theater.” 
        • Say, “Take your keys, undo your seatbelt, open the door and run to the theater before the movie starts. We need to get some popcorn!”
        • Have students return to their seats.
        • Ask students, “Did we just experience any cause and effect situations? Can you name one? 
        • Tell students that cause and effect is why something happens and the result or effect of what happens. 
          • Ask students to identify a cause in the driving scenario. 
            • Say, “The cause is why something happens. When I can figure out the cause (hold up ‘cause’ visual), then I can figure out the effect (hold up ‘effect’ visual)”. 
            • Tell students, “Always see where you can add the ‘because’ and that will be your clue to what the cause is in the sentence”. 
            • Say, “Let’s think about the car we just drove. Listen to this sentence: ‘I pulled the handle and the door opened’. Now I want you to use the word ‘because’ (hold up ‘because’ visual) to find the cause. You see, every time you insert the word because it leads you to the cause!” 



        • Say, “Every time we say the word ‘because’, we are going to spin our hands in front of our bodies. (Note: Stress the word ‘cause’.) Remember, the ‘because’ shows us the ‘cause’.”
        • Say, “Every time we say the ‘effect’, or the result of what is happening, let’s put our open hands and arms high in the air above our heads!”.
        • Tape the visuals “Cause” and “Effect” on the wall about three feet apart from each other.
        • Practice the dance by saying an example sentence with students. 



        • Say, “Now let’s try to break this down with some of the actions (causes and effects) we experienced when driving our cars. I’ve put them into sentences to help us.”
        • Ask students, “What was the first thing that we needed to do to get into the car? Okay, let’s start with this sentence.” 
          • Show visual of sentence: “I pulled the handle and the door opened”. 
          • Ask two students to come to the front of the class. Tell them they are each going to get to act out one part of the sentence or activity, either a cause or an effect. 
          • Give the first student “pulling the handle” (cause). Give the second student “opening the door” (effect). 
          • Ask each student to show you his/her activity using a sound, whole body and the space around them. Encourage them to exaggerate and have fun with it. 
          • Read the sentence one more time and then guide the class through finding the cause and effect by prompting with “because”. 
          • Say, “Let’s try to decide which action is the cause and which is the effect.” 
          • Say, “Now let’s see if ‘because’ (do action) can really help us find the cause.
            • Ask students, “Where could we use the word ‘because’ with these words and make it make sense? If we put it in front of ‘the door opened’, would that be right? Because I opened the door, I pulled the handle? Does that make sense? (no). If we put it in front of ‘I pulled the handle’, would that be right? Because I pulled the handle, the door opened. Does that make sense? (yes). 
            • Say, “It looks like we found our cause by using the word ‘because.’ So we figured out that the ‘because’ comes before which action? (pulling the handle). Can you tell me what the cause part of this sentence is? (because I pulled the handle – pulling the handle). 
            • Ask students, “Where should our ‘pulling the handle’ actor stand while he/she does his/her action? (under the word “cause”). 
            • Ask students, “If that is the cause, which action or part of the sentence is the effect? (the door opened). Where should our ‘effect’ actor stand?” (under the word “effect”).
            • Say, “So, let’s see our actors do their actions when I call ‘action’. When I say ‘freeze’, the actors will freeze. Let’s practice that.” 
            • Say “action” and “freeze” several times while the actors respond. 
            • Say, “Now let’s say our sentence two more times while the actors are acting out their actions when it’s their turn in the sentence. This time, let’s add our hand motions when we say the cause and when we say the effect. 
              • Remind students to spin their hands in front of them when the cause is stated (because I pulled the handle) and to put their open hands and arms high in the air above their heads when the effect is stated (the door opened).
        • Divide students into partners. Assign each partner a different cause and effect sentence from the car scenario. Have the partners repeat the same process that the class used to identify the cause and effect of opening the door. 
          • I turned the key in the ignition and the engine started. 
          • The car moved when I pressed the pedal with my foot. 
          • The car stopped when I hit the brake with my foot. 
          • The car turned off when it ran out of gas.
        • Allow time for students to perform their causes and effects for the class. Students should do the hand motions for cause and effect as the sentence is read and the actors act out the sentence. 

        Class Tip: Review audience etiquette and expectations before students perform for their classmates.


        Closing Reflection

        • Facilitate a discussion to summarize the lesson.
          • Ask, “What’s a cause? What’s an effect? What word can we use to find the cause in a sentence?” (because). 
        • Ask students to write their own cause and effect sentence that uses “because”. Students should label the cause and the effect in the sentence.
        • Finish the lesson by saying, “Let’s do our hand motions. The next time you have a sentence in front of you and have to figure out the ‘cause and effect’, whisper the word ‘because’ to yourself and try to figure out where it would fit in the sentence. This will alert you to the ‘cause’ which will leave the ‘effect’.”




        Teachers will assess students’ understanding by observing students’ responses to class discussion and their participation in the cause and effect scenarios.




        • Students can demonstrate understanding of cause and effect by identifying the “cause” and “effect” in the scenarios and sentences. 
        • Students can create a sentence to demonstrate understanding of cause and effect.
        • Students can act out a cause and effect relationship.



        Acceleration: Show students multiple comic strips that demonstrate obvious examples of cause and effect. Students will create a four or five picture comic strip to illustrate cause and effect. When completed, they will compose a fluid/flowing dance using the hand motions for cause and effect with additional self-created movements. 


        • Use body language when demonstrating each role play for English Language Learners.
        • Act out simple cause and effect relationships with students prior to this lesson.
        • Provide/add picture cards for each cause and effect scenario. 
        • Provide pictures for students to choose from for the “because” sentences.
        • Provide new pictures with cause and effect. Invite students to complete framed sentences (______ because _____) using pictures and/or words. 
        • Act out sentences beginning with both the cause and effect and have students determine which is correct.

        *This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

        Ideas contributed by: Susie Spear Purcell. Modifications, Extensions, and Adaptations Contributed by: Peggy Barnes, Candy Bennett, Lindsey Elrod, Jennifer Plummer, and Vilma Thomas. 

        Revised and copyright:  June 2024 @ ArtsNOW

        Character Choreography



        Learning Description

        Working through the choreographic process, students will create a short choreographic work demonstrating the traits of a character and dance elements.


        Learning Targets

        GRADE BAND: K-1

        Download PDF of this Lesson

        "I Can" Statements

        “I Can…”

        • I can demonstrate traits of characters in a story through choreography.
        • I can use the elements of dance to express ideas about character traits.
        • I can create a complete dance with a beginning, middle and end.

        Essential Questions

        • How can the elements of dance be used to demonstrate the understanding of a character in a story?
        • How is the choreographic process similar to the writing process?


        Georgia Standards

        Curriculum Standards


        ELAGSEKRL3 With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story

        ELAGSEKRL9 With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.

        ELAGSEKW2 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. 

        ELAGSEKW3 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened. 

        ELAGSEKW5 With guidance and support from adults, respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add details to strengthen writing as needed. 

        ELAGSEKW6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of tools to produce and publish writing, including digital tools in collaboration with peers.

        Grade 1:

        ELAGSE1RL3 Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.

        ELAGSE1RL7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events. 

        ELAGSE1RL9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories. 

        ELAGSE1W2 Write informative/ explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure. 

        ELAGSE1W3 Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure

        ELAGSE1W5 With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed. a. May include oral or written prewriting (graphic organizers). 

        ELAGSE1W6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of tools to produce and publish writing, including digital tools and collaboration with peers.

        Arts Standards


        ESDK.CR.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the choreographic process.

        ESDK.CR.2 Demonstrate an understanding of dance as a form of communication

        ESDK.PR.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements, skills, and terminology in dance.

        ESDK.PR.3 Recognize the relationship between human anatomy and movement.

        ESDK.PR.4 Understand and apply music concepts to dance.

        ESDK.RE.1 Demonstrate critical and creative thinking in dance

        ESDK.CN.3 Identify connections between dance and other areas of knowledge

        Grade 1:

        ESD1.CR.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the choreographic process. 

        ESD1.CR.2 Demonstrate an understanding of dance as a form of communication

        ESD1.PR.1 Identify and demonstrate movement elements, skills, and terminology in dance.

        ESD1.PR.4 Understand and apply music concepts to dance.

        ESD2.CN.3 Identify connections between dance and other areas of knowledge.


        South Carolina Standards

        Curriculum Standards


        K.RL.MC.8.1 With guidance and support, read or listen closely to: describe characters and their actions;

        K.W.MCC.3.1 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, to tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and to provide a reaction to what happened. 

        K.C.MC.1.4 Participate in conversations with varied partners about focused grade level topics and texts in small and large groups.

        Grade 1:

        1.RL.MC.8.1 Read or listen closely to: a. describe characters’ actions and feelings; 

        1.W.MCC.3.2 Plan, revise, and edit building on personal ideas and the ideas of others to strengthen writing. 

        1.C.MC.3.1 Explore and compare how ideas and topics are depicted in a variety of media and formats.

        Arts Standards

        Anchor Standard 1: I can use movement exploration to discover and create artistic ideas and works.

        Anchor Standard 2: I can choreograph a dance.

        Anchor Standard 3: I can perform movements using the dance elements.

        Anchor Standard 5: I can describe, analyze, and evaluate a dance.

        Anchor Standard 7: I can relate dance to other arts disciplines, content areas, and careers.


        Key Vocabulary

        Content Vocabulary

        Beginning - The starting point of a story, including the introduction of who, where, what, why, and when.

        Middle - The phase in which a story line develops, introducing conflict. 

        End - The ultimate resolution or conclusion to conflict signaling that a story is stopping.

        Transition - A word or phrase that connects two ideas.

        Writing process - A cycle of activities, including brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, and presentation, that are used to turn ideas into a literary work.

        Emotion - A mental state that occurs depending on circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

        Arts Vocabulary

        Level - The height of a movement in relationship to the floor (i.e., high, middle, low).

        Locomotor - Movement that travels from one location to another in a pathway through space.

        Non Locomotor - Movement that occurs without the body traveling from one point to another point.

        Tempo - The speed of the beats of the movements that dancers perform.

        Energy Qualities - A group of actors frozen to create a picture.

        • Swinging - Oscillatory (not swing dance, a genre of dance)
        • Sustained - Smooth, continuous, even, without pause or stopping and possibly with a long duration
        • Percussive - Short, sharp, sudden, forceful
        • Vibratory - Repeating and often small and short
        • Suspended - Holding, as in pausing, at a certain point of a movement

        Beginning/Middle/End - The phases of a choreography in which movement is used to communicate a starting point (beginning), the development of ideas, including complexity and conflict as necessary (middle), and a tying up or completion of ideas (end).

        Choreographic Process - The steps taken to create movement sequences for dancers, which include testing, revising, and editing work.



        • A variety of music selections
        • Music source and speakers


        Instructional Design

        Opening/Activating Strategy

        Letter Statues

          • In groups, have students select and practice one movement of their choice.
          • Guide students through exploring that movement with different elements of dance.
            • Practice the movement at different levels.
            • Practice the movement with different tempos.
            • Practice the movement in a locomotor and non-locomotor way.
            • Practice the movement using different energy qualities.
              • swinging
              • sustained
              • percussive
              • vibratory
              • suspended


        Work Session

        PART 1 - Explore Movement

        • Have students name a literary character to portray.
        • Instruct students to create a movement to represent something important about that character, which could be an action, emotion, or personality trait of the character.
        • Ask students to demonstrate their movement to the class.
        • Ask classmates to identify the artistic intent conveyed by the group; the presenting group identifies the correct peer answer or explains their artistic intent.

        PART 2 - Add new movements to set an order

        • Have students create two more movements to communicate two more important things about their character. There will be three total movements, including the initial movement (part 1) and these two movements. These three movements can be referred to as the beginning, middle and end of the choreography.
        • Ask students to try their movements in different orders and then decide on the sequence that they feel best tells the audience about their character.

        PART 3 - Choreograph and revise

        • Lead students through the choreographic process to revise and edit their choreography. Just as with the writing process, the intent of leading students through the process is to add “details” to make the choreography more exciting or interesting.
        • Ask students to add levels to their choreography.  Remind them to think of their character and where and why they would use different levels.  
        • Ask students to add tempos to their choreography.  Would their character move fast or slow?  When or why might that character's tempos vary?
        • Ask students to add energy qualities to their choreography. For example, if the character is excited a vibratory energy quality might be used. If the character is angry a percussive energy quality might be used.
        • Give students time to practice the revised version of their choreography.

        PART 4 - Choreograph and revise

        • Once students have revised and edited their choreography, ask them to present their character choreography to the class. Option to choose music for each dance.


        Closing Reflection

        Ask students to reflect on how their dance evolved through the choreographic process.  How did adding level, tempo, and energy qualities make the choreography more interesting? 

        Discuss the similarities of the choreographic process to the writing process.




        Visually observe the students' choreography evolving as they work through the choreographic process.

        • Teacher observes students adding the elements of dance to their choreography as queued: levels, tempo, energy qualities.
        • Teacher observes students using vocabulary of the elements of dance as they work.




        • The choreography contains a clear beginning, middle, end.
        • The choreography contains levels.
        • The choreography contains varying tempos.
        • The choreography effectively uses dance to communicate ideas about the chosen character.




        • Have students work in partners to evolve work for a single person into a duet showing how two characters would relate to one another.
        • Compare and contrast two-character choreography works.


        Work through the process as a large group working on one character.

        Additional Resources

        While part of the standards discussion but not standards themselves, the statements below reflect the connection between the choreographic process and the writing process and are interesting to consider while implementing this lesson.

        Fundamentals of Writing  

        Employ a recursive writing process that includes planning, drafting, revising, editing, rewriting, publishing, and reflecting.  

        Interact and collaborate with peers and adults to develop and strengthen writing.  

        Produce writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, discipline, and audience. 

        Fundamentals of Communication  

        Employ a reciprocal communication process that includes planning, drafting, revising, editing, reviewing, presenting, and reflecting.  

        Communicate using style, language, and nonverbal cues appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.  

        Use active and attentive communication skills, building on other’s ideas to explore, learn, enjoy, argue, and exchange information.  

        Monitor delivery and reception throughout the communication process and adjust approach and strategies as needed.



        *This integrated lesson provides differentiated ideas and activities for educators that are aligned to a sampling of standards. Standards referenced at the time of publishing may differ based on each state’s adoption of new standards.

         Ideas contributed by:  Melissa Dittmar-Joy

        Revised and copyright: August 2022 @ ArtsNOW