Art Form: Visual Arts
Supplies Needed
The Big Umbrella book
Crayons, markers, colored pencils
A piece of large paper or poster
Space - The distance or area between,
around, above, or within things (the area the
artist uses)
Color - Light reflected by an object
Line - A continuous mark made on a surface
by a moving point
Shape - An enclosed space that can be two
or three dimensional
Characters - A person in a story or play, or
an animal or object that has human qualities.
1. Before reading the book, look closely at the illustrations on the front cover. What do you see? Describe the colors, lines and shapes that you see.
2. Next, read the book, The Big Umbrella, aloud, and discuss the following questions:
- Who are the characters in the story? Are they all the same or different?
- How did the umbrella make people feel when they were under it?
- Who was welcome under the umbrella? Why do you think that is?
- What are some ways that we can be like the Big Umbrella in the story?
3. Create your own "big umbrella" that can welcome everyone, just like the one in the story. Draw a large umbrella in the center of your paper using a curved line for the top and a connect it with a straight line on the bottom. Color it in and draw a handle using a “J” shaped line.
4. Look at the final page of the story. Who do you see under the umbrella? Discuss whether the characters are all the same or different.
5. Fill the space under and around your umbrella with a variety of colors, lines, shapes and figures that you want to include under your “big umbrella”!
Give your umbrella a voice using the Chatterpix app. (available on Google and iTunes)
Describe what it feels like to welcome everyone to play a game together, eat a meal together, etc.

The REimagining and Accelerating Literacy through Arts Integration (REALAI) grant supports the literacy achievement of 3,200 students and 170 teachers, media specialists, and literacy coaches across six schools in Georgia and South Carolina.
In addition to professional learning for educators, this project contributes significantly to school library collections through the purchase of developmentally appropriate and culturally relevant books.
This grant also includes parent events to provide families with access to books and other content about how to support their child’s reading development.