Grade 4: Out of This World!
Unit Description
During this unit students will make scientific connections that are out of this world! Students will learn about Earth’s cycle of day and night. They will also use visual arts and theatre to explore why seasons exist and how the tilt of Earth’s axis affects them. Also in this unit, the phases of the moon will be explored along with their sequential order. Students will immerse themselves in sketching and designing a 3D stabile. We will also observe how technology allows scientists to observe and study distant objects in the sky.
Unit Essential Question
How do the Earth and its Moon move?
What can we see in the sky?
Real World Context
Students must be able to recognize and understand how the tilt in the Earth’s axis affects seasonal changes throughout the year. This concept helps us understand why daytime and nighttime exist as well as the passage of time and the four seasons over a course of a 365-day year. Students also gain a firmer understanding of the solar system and our proximity to the sun and the other planets.
Cross-Cutting Interdisciplinary Concepts
Cause and Effect
Project 1: Documenting Phases of the Moon
In this project, students will design a field journal illustrating the eight phases of the moon to demonstrate understanding of the phases and cycles of the moon over time.
Project 2: Stabile Model of Earth, Sun and Moon
In this project, students will design and build a stabile model demonstrating the movement of the Moon, Sun and Earth. The Stabile design was first used by artist Alexander Calder. (He invented the mobile and the stabile). His artwork will be explored and used as an inspiration for this project!
Project 3: Seasons on Stage!
Students will create a theatrical representation of the four season cycle demonstrating their understanding of what causes the four seasons. Students will personify the Sun, Earth and the characteristics of each season. They will apply their knowledge by writing a script that explains and models how the earth’s tilt and revolution affects the change in seasons.
Curriculum Standards
S4E2 Students will model the position and motion of the earth in the solar system.
- Explain the day/night cycle of Earth using a model.
- Explain the sequence of the phases of the moon.
- Demonstrate the revolution of the earth around the earth’s tilt to explain seasonal changes.
ELAGSE4RL5 Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, and refer to the structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when writing or speaking about a text.
ELAGSE4RI3 Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.
ELAGSE4RI4 Determine the meaning of general academic language and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area.
MGSE4.MD.2 Use the four operations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money, including problems involving simple fractions or decimals, and problems that require expressing measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Represent measurement quantities using diagrams such as number line diagrams that feature a measurement scale.
MGSE4.OA.5 Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify apparent features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself. Explain informally why the pattern will continue to develop in this way.
Arts Standards
D4CR1 Demonstrates and understanding of creative and choreographic principles, processes, and structures.
D5FD.3 Recognizes the anatomical and kinesiology concepts in movement.
- Understands, explores, and sequences clear movements of body parts, body halves, and the body in planes in space.
D5FD.4 Understands and applies music concepts to dance.
D5CR.2 Demonstrates an understanding dance as a way to communicate meaning.
M4GM.10 Moving, alone and with others, to a varied repertoire of music.
- Perform choreographed and non-choreographed movements.
TAES4.7 Integrating various art forms other content areas, and life experiences to create theater.
VA4MC1 Engages in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas.
VA4PR.1 Creates artworks based on personal experience and selective themes.
VA4PR.3 Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes of three-dimensional works of art (ceramics, sculpture, crafts, and mixed-media) using tools and materials in a safe and appropriate manner to develop skills.
Summative Assessment Tools
- Pre/Post Test
- Documenting Phases of the Moon Rubric
- Stabile Model of Earth, Sun and Moon Rubric
- Seasons on Stage Rubric
Appendix (See Addition Resources)
- Pre/Post Test
Arts in Education--Model Development and Dissemination Grants Program
Cherokee County (GA) School District and ArtsNow, Inc.
Ideas contributed and edited by:
Pam Lehman, Lisa McEachern, Cheryl McFarland, Shannon Green, Susie Spear Purcell, Jessica Espinoza