A Day With Dali 3


Students will look at the print, “Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali and talk about what they see. Students will discuss the importance of foreground, middle ground and background in a painting. Students will then visually draw a creative clock ticking throughout the day, utilizing the sky to tell morning, afternoon and evening as the hands on the clocks move!

Legends of Day and Night 4


Students will merge their science knowledge of day and night with their exploration of Native American literature. This will be achieved by first examining a Native American legend that depicts the story of how day and night came to be. Students will integrate story-telling elements into their retelling of the Native American legend. Finally students will be asked to apply their knowledge of day and night to a group task. In small groups, they will craft their own original legend of day and night applying various story-telling elements to their performance.


Narrative Necklaces… and Beyond K-5


This lesson will give students an opportunity to create a piece of art that will identify each individual artist, but is not a standard self portrait with traditional facial features. The self-portrait will be a collage incorporating images, colors, symbols and text to help describe “who” that artist is. Students will be using several modern masters as inspiration, such as Michel Basquiat, Karen Mi- chels and Robert Rauschenberg.